One morning I walked the ten miles from our hotel to Bridgetown along what passed for a main road. Whenever I checked directions I was told I should be on a bus. Not that there appeared to be many bus stops. If you wanted a ride you leapt into the road and gesticulated. It may have been marginally safer to have been riding on one of these ramshackle vehicles which went careering along the winding roads than to have spent my time jumping into bushes to avoid them. I am not sure. If there was a speed limit no-one adhered to it. Actually I did ride back and the journey was remarkably comfortable. Unfortunately I had wasted valuable time standing in the wrong queue. A certain amount of local knowledge was required to station oneself correctly.

Along these roads people lived in chattel houses. These are portable homes, stout, and some very old. Although people didn’t seem to worry about outside maintenance, the insides looked spotless and the adults and schoolchildren who emerged from them were beautifully turned out; womens’ dresses and children’s uniforms vying with the display of the ubiquitous

bougainvillea, frangipani, and hibiscus.

This street scene shows the sign for a roadside bar; a well cared-for church, and typical chattel houses,
one with some kind of lean-to constructed of weathered corrugated iron, which was a common roofing material.
The gardens of some of these houses contained car wrecks.
Other occupants preferred shrubs,
such as this bougainvillea trained around a porch behind a little picket fence.
and along which rampant buses tore.

The children who emerged from these simply constructed homes were clad in crisp, clean, uniforms and certainly were not ‘creeping like snail, unwillingly to school’ (William Shakespeare).
P laying catch-up here: where is Bridgetown?
The capital of Barbados. Thanks very much, Helen
Thank you, Derrick. I once had a friend from Barbados but that’s as near as I’ve been I’m afraid.
Makes me glad that I have a nice house and garden in the UK. Thanks Derrick.
Thanks for sharing, Derrick. Did anyone question you taking photos of their houses? I looked up chattel house, and I discovered it’s a Barbados term. I had wondered. 😊 The children going to school look very happy.
Hi Derrick – thanks for sharing these pictures from Barbados and your experiences there. I’d heard of the word chattel house, but didn’t understand its meaning. Those children do look happy.
Thank you very much, Barbara
The children in their school uniforms are impressive. Gorgeous flowering shrubs.
Thank you very much, Pat
What a wonderful photo journal
Thank you very much, Gary
I have enjoyed looking at these pictures.
Thank you very much, Anne
I visited Barbados in 1987 and was amazed at the ramshackle nature of the housing. It’s clearly not much improved.
Wait until you see the contrast in Port St Charles. Thanks very much, Sheree
Thank you for this glimpse of real life in Barbados. I love how you ended the post with a Shakespeare quote.
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I am also thankful for your posting a glimpse of life in Barbados during this time. The junked vehicles probably served as a stash of spare car parts for people in the area.
I expect so, Lavinia. Thank you very much
Thank you for a photo tour of Barbados, Derrick.
My pleasure, Dolly. Much appreciated
The pleasure is mine, Derrick.
A different world, but a very beautiful one!
Thanks very much, John
Derrick, what year did you visit Barbados? Were these photos taken in the capital, Bridgetown? When exploring a neighborhood on foot, the visitor has the opportunity of seeing the other side of life not depicted in tourist guides.
Thank you very much, Rosaliene. 2004. These pictures were taken along the road to Bridgetown. I did take more when I arrived.
Thanks for the info, Derrick. As you may have read, Barbados became a republic in November 2021. Queen Elizabeth II is no longer the island nation’s Head of State.
Yes – thanks again
Thank you for the morning drive-by. We sometimes judge a book by it’s cover, the inside and residents by the look of their houses on the outside. These people obvious treasure the homes they have….the roof over their heads.
Quite so, Chrissy. Thank you very much
What beautiful genuine smiles on those handsome boys faces! 🙂 They are looking dapper! 🙂
You’ve captured realness, beauty, interesting textures, and happy faces in your photos!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you so much, Carolyn 🙂 X
The history of the chattel houses is quite fascinating. And now, ‘tiny houses’ are becoming quite popular again.
Thanks very much, Yvonne – especially for the interesting link
Such an interesting place with its own special charm. I chuckled at imagining you leaping into the road and gesticulating for a ride.
Thank you very much, JoAnna 🙂
Crisp and clean is right! That bougainvillea is gorgeous.
Thank you very much, Laurie
I learned something new as I thought hibiscus always grew by the water. Great photo journal. I enjoy your stories about places that I have never been
Thank you very much, Rose
Great pictures of Barbados.
Many thanks, Bridget
Loved this post.. and like you said while the Outside may look dishevelled.. Its what is INSIDE that counts.. 🙂 and Smiles on the last photo says it all 🙂
Thank you so much, Sue
What really counts is what is inside. 🙂
As always, never judge a book by its covers, right?
Absolutely, Ribana. Thank you very much