This afternoon we drove Flo to her parents’ flat at Southbourne where she is to spend a few days.
On our return we drove up Roger Penny Way from Cadnam roundabout and back home via North Gorley.

Brook Cottage, standing beside the Green Dragon pub on Roger Penny Way, is of a standard New Forest Design.

I forget the name of the thatched cottage across the road that has a team of what I think are horned sheep (maybe Wiltshire breed)

keeping the grass down.

Three of these nonchalantly test the drivers of vehicles coming round the bend.

Further along the road towards Godshill ponies and foals graze the verges. Opposite these a crow is reflected in a still pond.

I stepped out at Ashley Walk car park to remind myself of my having strode over these moors not so very long ago.

Donkeys at Godshill Cricket ground are busy shedding their winter coats, possibly because they have heard we are due a heat wave next week.
This evening we snacked on scrambled egg on toast. I’m still trying to get over Monday’s ultimate mixed grill.
Scrambled egg on toast is one of my favorite breakfasts! The sheep are so cute, but they shouldn’t lay on the edge of the road, oops. Brook Cottage looks very nice! I have wondered why cars have a yellow plate as we call them, on the rear but the front plate is white?
I imagine it is about visibility at night, in headlights?. Thanks very much, John
41C I understand!
That be hot. Thanks very much, Sheree
Break out the paddling pool and fill it with cold water and ice cubes. Think William Hurt and Kathleen Turner in Body Heat.
I’ll have to imagine that because I haven’t seen the film 🙂 Thanks very much, Sheree
It’s a classic
So I understand
Brook Cottage immediately had my attention. I do love a quaint cottage. I could go for some scrambled eggs on toast myself.
Thanks very much, Liz. I’m pleased I photographed it.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Sounds like you got your money’s worth out of that mixed grill 🙂
I certainly did. Thanks very much, Donna
Looks like a lovely day. Hopefully the cricket club had a game to take advantage of it.
No game was in progress – maybe the weekend. Thanks a lot, John
Sheep chewing, (What quiet, beautiful, hard working “lawnmowers”! 😉 ), foals adventuring, ponies grazing, a crow reflecting, a doggy walking, donkeys shedding, and some Human-Beans out-an-about-ing! 🙂
I even saw an eyeball on the tree trunk!
All wonderful photos! A beautiful day!
Hope Flo has a great visit with her folks!
(((HUGS))) 🙂 ❤️
PS…your photos could write their own song… “6 sheep a-mowin’…3 ponies grazing, 2 donkeys shedding, and one crow reflecting by the pond…” 😉 😀
You had me singing your PS Carolyn. Thanks very much 🙂
HA! Good! 🎶❤️ 🙂
Wiltshire horned sheep says the Austrian farmer’s almanac. 🙂 Scrambled eggs with toast was my favorite breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack until I became I vegan (sigh).
Thank you very much for that confirmation, Bridget. Your origins came in handy
Really nice gallery today, Derrick, lots of critters! The close up portrait of the sheep is fun to see. Those two ewes lounging by the road are more trusting of human drivers than I would be! You can barely see the brown one.
It’s difficult to gauge the breed of sheep once they are all shorn, and as the saying goes – ‘they all look alike to me.’
I’m told on good authority (from the neighbour’s goat) that they feel the same way about us! 😂
🙂 Thanks very much, Sue. At least I got the sheep bit right
It looks as though one of the sheep is losing its coat naturally, like a bison. Is there a reason to leave individual animals unsheared?
I don’t know about the shearing, Linda.It puzzled me, too. Thanks very much
The sheep are quite trusting of the drivers. Brook Cottage would make an entertaining puzzle. It’s beautiful.
Thank you very much, Jill
Love the sheep pictures!
I love this post. Your countryside is spectacular. I can fantasize quite easily about being a pensioner in the UK when reading this.
🙂 Thank you very much, Pat
I love this post. Your countryside is spectacular. I can fantasize quite easily about being a pensioner in the UK when reading this.
Jackie, you have lots a good garden helper for a few days. 🙁 Oh well, you don’t want to wear her out.
Love those houses, whatever they are called.
We are trying to decide whether the sign reads as “Gods Hill” or “God Shill”.
Thank you very much from us both, Chrissy. Your Question re the sign prompted me to look it up and discover that there is a similar town on the Isle of Wight which is so named because it was thought that God wanted its church to be built on a hill.
Interesting research. 🙂
Sheep are a dime a dozen in NZ. Though not the cute thatched roofed cottages mores the pity. Keep cool next week.
Thanks very much, Suzanne
I can’t imagine why the sheep would want to lie there in such a tight place with cars buzzing by. Lovely cottage, moors, and of course ponies and foals.
Thank you very much, JoAnna. They know they have the right of way 🙂
This outing has produced wonderful images of a cottage and the nearby sheep (who keep testing the patience of drivers). The dirt road in the countryside is well preserved.
Thank you very much, Uma
Nice windows on that cottage, but thankful I don’t have to clean them. 🙂
Indeed. Thanks very much, Anna
Would you have some photos of the ‘Green Dragon’ pub Derrick … my local football Club is the Bell Park “Dragons” and our colours are “Green with a white blaze”
Try the last three in this post, Ivor Cheers
Thank you kindly Derrick
Lovely cottages.
Thanks very much, Rupali
Another lovely tour of your part of the world. Brook Cottage is charming. I love seeing the sheep and other animals wandering about, though I’m glad not to be driving there. I’m captivated by those winding paths of Ashley Walk and the beautiful moorland.
Thank you so much, Merril
A very pleasant drive and a sensible meal. You do know how to put a post together for all of us, Derrick!
Thank you so much, GP
As usual, your photos are spectacular, {{{Derrick}}}… and did you notice that I was able to post more photos yesterday? I took your advice and upped to the WordPress Pro plan. Oh, and btw, I love that curly-tailed, spindly-legged colt! Adorable!! And also, I noticed no mention of imbibing with your dinner. Are you on the wagon for a bit?
I was on the wagon for a couple of days. I did notice more pictures and am pleased the new plan works for you. Thanks very much, Jan
Brook Cottage immediately put me in mind of the pre-Raphaelites. So I looked up William Morris and Kelmscott Manor. Okay, so maybe my imagination had gone a little haywire – but I would still enjoy a night or two in the Brook Cottage.
Thanks very much, Gwen
An interesting Post Derrick. Do any of your animals every get hit by the vehicles?
I’m afraid they do. c100 each year. Thanks very much, Dwight
Wow! That is a lot!
Yes. The speed limits are often exceeded.
Cars dodging sheep and sheep dodging cars – Yikes! I love scrambled eggs on dark rye toast.
Thank you very much, Eugi
Most welcome, Derrick.
Those sheep seem to be getting ready for a heatwave as well, from the looks of their wool.
Those on the roadside were really panting, AnneMarie. Thank you very much.
I enjoyed the virtual tour, Derrick, especially seeing the foal with the little curly-haired tail and mane. 🙂
Thank you very much, Lavinia
I liked the shot of the walkers in the landscape best today.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
What is the speed limit on that road the sheep think is their domin?
40 m.p.h! Thanks very much, Yvonne
Beautiful photos. Derrick. Love that cute cottage. I’m making scrambled eggs on croissants with smoked salmon for Sunday breakfast. We leave for England on Tuesday. 👯
Enjoy your trip. Thank you very much, Sylvia
That sheep posed for a close-up, didn’t she?
The cottages are so beautiful! Those sheep really found the perfect place to be ☺️ along the road!
Thanks a lot, Ribana