A D In The Original Cartouche

From today I am now and octogenarian. Among the gifts and cards that I received was a parcel jointly from Louisa and Sam which contained a framed painting being

a representation by my daughter’s friend Gemma of all my grandchildren. Both followed this up with telephone calls.

Martin attended to the garden as usual. He spent most of the morning on

the Oval Path and Elizabeth’s Bed, which looked like this before he began.

First he tackled the larger plants in Elizabeth’s Bed – so named because she was the first to clear it some years ago.

This was an interim stage before he moved on to reveal the almost buried path,

and finally open up the bed.

He also cut the grass, after we left him to it while we drove off to meet Elizabeth at Rosie Lea Tea Rooms on Southampton Road, where she treated us to lunch of tasty and tender pork burgers with crisp crackling served in

raised miniature wooden garden bed frames, with chips in terra cotta plant pots.

She also gave me a silver capped cologne bottle hallmarked 1895 inscribed with D in the original cartouche. Jackie produced these photographs of it.

Soon after we returned home, Helen visited, bringing two promising bottles of red wine and a card. She stayed for a good catch up.

We are about to enjoy vanilla cheesecake, raspberries, strawberries, and cream since we had no room for dessert earlier. I will drink a glass of the guv’nor and Jackie won’t.


  1. Wishing you all the very best Derrick on your 80th!!! birthday. Sounds like you’ve had a great day. 🥳🎂🍷🍾 x

  2. We wish you a most Happy Birthday, Derrick. We have so enjoyed meeting you via our blogs, and appreciate our long distance friendship. Sher and i know you will have many, many more.

  3. Happy, happy birthday, Derrick!
    The painting, lunch (I like how the French fries were served in what looks like flower pots–seems apt), that cologne bottle made in the past, but intended for you, and promising wine–what a wonderful day! 💙

  4. June mentioned that you are 80 years young, happiest of birthdays, Derrick! Great photos, I love the item with the D engraved, beautiful! Vanilla Cheesecake? I’d love to try that! The framed painting is very beautiful too! Your family loves you so much, God bless your family! 🙏🏻😎🇬🇧❤️

  5. Oh, happy birthday, my friend! I tried to find your “about” page or wherever it was that you say,” I am a septuagenarian . . .” to see if you had updated it. But I couldn’t find it. It sounds like you had a wonderful day of love and gifts. Love that family portrait! xo

  6. Happy Birthday, Derrick!!!
    What a wonderful celebration you had! I’m so glad! 🙂 Your face says it all! 🙂
    We will do something at our home to celebrate you! So glad you were birth-ed into the world and are here now! 🙂 We appreciate you! ❤️
    Wishing you a glorious fun year ahead! 🙂 80 is the new 40, so enjoy! 😉
    That painting is so so SO lovely!
    Birthday-(((HUGS))) 🙂

  7. Happy Birthday, Derrick! I grinned at your title’s slight pun — clearly, it’s an acknowledgement that you were born A.D., not B.C.! Excelsior!

  8. Happy birthday Derrick, you are weathering your years with eloquent resilience … the antique cologne bottle seems an appropriate gift …

  9. You seem to be getting younger with each passing day, Derrick! Wish you the best of everything on this wonderful turn of the Hourglass. The painting is a delight, as is the resurrection of Elizabeth Path. The cologne bottle is a classic quite like you.

  10. I knew you had a birthday on the horizon when you made your reference to being a Cancerian, but did not know that it was yesterday. Many happy returns, and many, many more healthy and active years to come.

  11. Happy Birthday Derrick. I am really glad that WordPress has brought me into contact with you. I wish you many more healthy and happy years ahead. Lakshmi

  12. Wishing you a Happy Birthday, Derrick! I can’t think of a better place to celebrate it, in that beautiful garden with family and friends.

  13. A very very happy birthday to you. I love being able to call one an octogenarian. I will practice spelling it for the next 5 years so I will be prepared.

  14. Wishing you a very happy birthday, (a little belated).
    Great photos, wonderful gifts, excellent company with splendid refreshments.
    🎂 x 🎂

  15. Happy Birthday Derrick! Wish you all the best! 🎉
    What a lovely day! I like how the burger and fries were served 😉 The painting and the bottle are beautiful!

  16. I’m a little late to the game, Derrick but happy belated birthday. Looks like you had a wonderful day. Hope you’re still celebrating. Birthdays at our age are allowed to go on for weeks. 🙂

  17. Always difficult to move… Not sure exactly when your birthday was – but July or February are good months – any month is a good month!

    Lovely family, garden and enjoyment of life. Continue on! Cheers, Jules

    (PS I often see you at Moonwashed – but I’ve been a tad busy and behind in return visits. Write on!)

  18. I’m so glad you gave us a link to enjoy this post. I love the watercolor that your daughter’s friend Gemma did of all your grandchildren. She is quite talented!!

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