During my early years at Sigoules I engaged a national company of repute to carry out various window repairs. The work was completed to my satisfaction. Soon after this, the two representatives visited saying that they were setting up their own business. There followed more internal improvements over the next year or so. This involved one of these two men having a key to the house while I was at home in England.
For ten days during August 2014 I exchanged a stream of electronic communication between me and people in France concerning my house in Sigoules.
A family to whom I had agreed to let the house, and had thought were friends, moved in ahead of the drawing up of a contract without letting me know. The first I knew of it was when I received complaints from neighbours about noise throughout the night. Texts and e-mails to the male partner of the couple who seemed to be in possession gleaned no response. When, earlier in the month he had, on the telephone, told me the internet had been installed I asked him if he had moved in. He denied it. In case you have not guessed, the miscreant was the man mentioned in the first paragraph above.
Having had very little sleep during this period, I set out on a long journey on 27th of August 2014 to attempt to remove my squatters. The first step was Jackie driving me to Michael’s home in Sanderstead. There, we were greeted by Emily who scanned my passport and proof of ownership documentation and e-mailed this to a solicitor Michael had researched on the internet and engaged on my behalf. The police were aware of the situation. I would not have been able to manage all this alone.
When, in the 1970s and ’80s, as a Social Services Area Manager, I had been responsible for my staff going out on potentially difficult and stressful visits, I had always insisted that they had all the necessary help to have administration, relevant forms, and potential back-up in place, so that all they had to worry about was the job in hand. I now have direct personal experience of how necessary this was. Without the support and practical help of my friends in France; my lady and my son and granddaughter at home, I would not have been able to carry this through.
An hour after Michael arrived home from work, he drove me to No. 6, rue Saint Jacques. The only respite he had from more than ten hours at the wheel was the 35 minutes on the Eurotunnel train. I am known for falling asleep as a passenger. Remarkably, however, I remained awake, except for momentarily dozing on occasions. Having arrived in Calais from Folkestone, we set off into the night, taking the faster toll road route skirting Paris.
Michael, driving me through the night, was probably skirting Paris when the digits of the clock turned to 00.01 on 28th. We became aware of the metropolis as the dark midnight sky brightened with the multicoloured lights generated by urban living. A surprising number of other vehicles were on the road, most, as we continued further south, heading north towards the capital.
My son had not enjoyed the dubious sandwiches he had bought at Calais, so we made a number of stops in search of more sustenance. These were unfruitful, as every outlet was closed. Fortunately there were a number of all-night public conveniences, albeit of variable cleanliness.
The indigo sky was largely cloudless and sprinkled with numerous stars. It was not until about six in the morning that light, then eventually a strong sun, began to emerge behind my left shoulder. Parts of the landscape seemed to be scattered with creamy white pools amid the undulating hills. Nearer to hand, swirling mists, which is what these were, rose from moist fields and drifted upwards to dissolve into the air. The low sun cast long shadows across the pink-tinted countryside.
I regretted that we had ‘no time to stand and stare’ nor, more importantly perhaps, to photograph such evocative scenes.
What happened on arrival must await my next instalment
I love a good suspenseful story ❣️
Thanks very much, Val
This sounds like the prelude to a night(day)mare. I hope you won’t keep us in suspense for too long!
I’ll get onto it, Anne. Thanks very much
I enjoyed your lyrical descriptions of the late night journey. It left quite an impression on you. I’ll be waiting now to see what happened.
I enjoyed those descriptions as well.
I love the bit about the indigo sky. Beauty in the midst of misfortune. Can’t wait for the next installment to find out what happened.
Thank you so much, Sherry
You poetically leave us hanging. More anon.
Thank you very much, Pat
I do hope this tale has a satisfactory ending. PS I much approve of all your planning and preparation prior to heading over to France
Thanks very much, Sheree. Well, you know I survived 🙂
I do
A real cliff hanger, Derrick!
Thanks very much, John
This is wonderful, rings so true of the drives to never ending drives France. Absolutely beat up by the time you reach the tunnel terminal or ferry. The brief respite just doesn’t last long enough. Can’t wait for the next part.
Thanks very much, Gary
What a story so far, Derrick. I’m sorry that you had to deal with these squatters.
Thanks very much, John
Doh!! Cliff hanger!
🙂 Thank you so much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
OMG! Derrick! What a nightmare to have to go through! In another country no less. My son had a similar experience in Chicago, and had to get the help of the attorney and the Sheriff’s department to evict the people who had “rented” his home and wouldn’t pay and had to be evicted. I am hoping that you had a pleasant out come from this harrowing ordeal.
Waiting to hear what you have to say next.
Thank you very much, Zakiah
I love the cliffhanger; hope it leads to a happy ending.
Thanks very much, Byung
Poetic teaser… dum de dum dum…
Thanks very much, Joy 🙂
Oh, gosh on the squatters! 🙁 What a difficult, frustrating and ETC thing to have to go through. 🙁
Oh, gosh, Oh, gosh, a cliffhanger! Hmm…wondering what happens next. As a I love a happily-ever-after ending, so I hope it’s good. But, I’ve lived enough life to know it doesn’t always go that way.
I love that at the time, and in the memories, you noticed the skies. The changing colours in the skies…the dark and the light…are so powerful. I look at the sky often…I find it healing, comforting, centering. 🙂
PS…10 hours at the wheel be a l-o-n-g time. And dubious sandwiches be…well…they be dubious. 😮 🙂
Thank you for these insightful comments, Carolyn X
What a story! And so well told . . . just dying to hear the rest.
Thank you so much, Jodie
Anxious to read what happened next
Thanks very much, Laurie
I am sorry this happened to you, Derrick. I am glad you had help dealing with it, and you weren’t alone.
Thank you so much, Lavinia
Oh yes! I’ve been waiting for this. The story of the infamous squatters, taadaaaah.
🙂 Thanks. very much, Gwen
What a dreadful happening, though I do look forward to reading the next instalment.
Thank you so much, Sue
Oh gosh! I can feel the tension of this even after all these years. Thank goodness you had the support you needed.
Thanks very much, Sandra
It sounds like an adventure. I cannot wait to see how things played out for you…
Thank you very much, AnneMarie
What an adventure!
Thanks very much, Dolly
You’re very good at building the tension, Derrick. I have been reading a book by a man supposedly renowned for leaving teasers, but he isn’t a patch on you. It’s funny what people remember. Your description of the light over the landscape is very poetic.
Thank you so much, Susan
Yes – can’t always photograph (or observe) the way we want to….
And Derrick – your words downtown give us what a photo would
“Parts of the landscape seemed to be scattered with creamy white pools amid the undulating hills. “
Thanks very much, Yvette
Have a great day
I read this backwards so not much suspense.
Ah, well. Thanks a lot, Judy
France has been so unfaithful to you and your family. It seems it’s no country for simpler folks!
Thanks very much, Uma. I have to say that the squatters were not French