Tree Care

Much of this dull day was spent struggling with recovering the pictures for the following posts:

The second of these (No. 148) was the most difficult because I could not find the original pictures anywhere and tinkered with substitutions, none of which was suitable for a header.

The last, (No. 150) was the longest search, until I found them on two e-mails received in 2014.

I finished clearing rubbish from behind the garden shed, then took up Jackie’s suggestion to go for a late afternoon drive.

We pulled up on Lodge Lane where I changed my camera lens in order to seek permission to photograph an activity along the edge of a field. Two young men made their way through the trees to ask us if we needed any help. They obviously thought we may have a problem with the car. This gave me the opportunity to seek my permission.

What was underway was the felling and burning of branches from a series of trees that had come down.

Alfie was the considerate and helpful young man who enjoyed posing with Paddy, his terrier.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s toothsome chicken and veg stewp and fresh crusty bread with which I finished the Malbec and everyone else abstained.


  1. Nice photos of people going about their business, Derrick. I’m glad that you are getting your photos back even if it’s bit by bit!

  2. Great header photo! AW, what a cutie! 🙂 And Alfie is cute, too! 🙂
    What a sweet photo of Paddy and Alfie! 🙂
    YAY for getting more work done with your photos! I admire your hard work and stick-to-it-ness! 🙂
    As a little girl, when taking long walks, I would sit on tree stumps and thank the trees that were once there.
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. What a time-consuming task in recovering your lost posts with photos! I save copies of all photos used in my posts on the hard drive of my desk computer. Then again, my photo gallery is minuscule when compared with yours.

    1. Thank you very much, Rosaliene. One problem is that I have to remember which the original pictures were – sometimes substitutions will not be appropriate.

  4. What a search you must be having to find the originals of your blog pictures. I hadn’t realised that that was what was involved. No wonder it takes time.

  5. I love how your photography and your blog bring you into contact with so many lovely people, Derrick. And I have nothing but admiration for your digged persistence in recovering the lost photos.

  6. I love the picture of Alfie and Paddy.
    I waste a lot of time searching for images. I think I’m organised by saving in monthly order. But unfortunately, I can never remember which month I took the photo, or indeed, which year!

    1. That is the key, Sue. Mostly the date of the post gives an indication, but there are exceptions, like those in the e-mails. Thank you very much. That portrait was a one shot chance with sun in my eyes, so all down to Alfie, really. Thanks very much.

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