We had intended to photograph Beechern wood on our forest drive today. This has been one of our regular trips.

It was a shock to find a locked gate across the road forbidding access to non-members of the Caravan Site at the far end. The woman approaching the Forestry Commission gate had left the camper van and opened it for the driver. Who, I wondered, owned the road from which I have produced many photographs of woodland, ponies, and Ober Water.
We diverted to Whitemoor Pond, over which stretches this

branch with flaking bark;

a number of trees were reflected on the shimmering surface

on which fallen leaves float above the clearly visible bed.
From there we drove on to the Rhinefield Ornamental Drive along which I took

a short walk amongst others along the now soggy footpath.

Although it wasn’t at all cold, most were wrapped up, and this gentleman clearly need to raise his collar.

This friendly family were very pleased with this photograph showing their dog really straining at the leash. I could not resist asking who was taking who for a walk.

Fallen leaves clustered at the roots of trees,

even of long-dead stumps.

At Wimbledon College, we were once taught by an art master who told us that trees were never just brown. These trunks were obviously what he meant.

We are now recognising so many fallen giants in the forest that we are able to follow their journey back to the soil from which they sprung. We passed this one a few years ago when it had just been snapped by fierce winds and quickly sawn and removed from the road. Its constituents will probably outlive ours.
Over recent months my library has been taken over by items destined for charity shops and the Council Recycling Depot. This has been a losing battle as further goods have appeared as fast as we declutter – one of the consequences of an increased household with many relatives being keen to bring gifts. Now Christmas items are being added at a rate of knots. This afternoon Jackie and I cleared and organised the space so that I can once again reach individual volumes.
This evening we dined on tasty fish cakes: haddock for me, cod for Jackie, and salmon for Flo; crunchy carrots and tender cauliflower leaves; the Culinary Queen’s piquant cauliflower cheese and colourful savoury rice, accompanied by the same beverages as yesterday.
“Who was taking who for a walk?”😀😀😀.
Thanks very much, Eunice
You are welcome.
The photo of the dog taking his people for a walk really conveys the movement. I also really like that final “fallen giant” photo.
Thank you so much, Merril
Of course, my favorite is the dog straining at his leash!
Naturally, Liz 🙂 Thank you very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I love your photos today, Derrick, woodlands are always beautiful subjects. It’s so cool that the saplings are growing up in their parent’s roots. Life goes on. I just looked online to see what proper British fish cakes are and wow, do they look and sound delicious! Jackie is a gem! ❤️🇬🇧😋
Thank you so much, John
Strange they suddenly put up a road block.
But it may be for the best, that pathway brought many great photos!
Thank you very much, GP. Fortunately we are spoilt for choice where we live
During my days as an artist, I enjoyed painting closeups of tree trunks. Love your photo 🙂
Thank you very much, Rosaliene
Often a detour takes us to even better things! 🙂
Once again, you have captured Nature’s Art so beautifully! 🙂
Love the reflection of the tree! Love the leaves decorating the water! Love the carpet of leaves blanketing the tree roots…they look like a treasure of gold coins!
Yes, and HA! Often the doggies walk their owners! 😉 😀 Love that dogged-enthusiasm! 😛
(((HUGS))) 🙂 ❤️
Q: How does an elephant get out of a tree?
A: It sits on a leaf and waits till autumn. 😀
🍂 🐘 🍂
Thank you very much, Carolyn for these lovely comments and the elephant joke. X
You’re welcome! 🙂
It would be interesting to know just how long it has taken “long-dead stump” to reach the stage he is now at. Fifty years, perhaps, maybe even a hundred.
I imagine you are right, John. Thanks very much
I find that decluttering never seems to stop, a bit like the autumn leaves that always return to clutter the forest floor …
Yes, indeed, Ivor. Cheers
Hmm, young tender cauliflower leaves sound tasty.
They are – a kind of cabbage. I always composted them before I saw what Jackie does with them. Thanks very much, Yvonne
Today’s photos are exquisite.
Thank you very much, Bridget
I wonder if there’s been a transfer of ownership at that property you’ve enjoyed. It’s always a shock when a previously open area suddenly is closed. Perhaps it would be worth making contact wtih the ‘someone’ who’s in charge, and seeing if you could obtain permission to do a little free-ranging of your own.
That is a thought, Linda. Thank you very much
The closed road doesn’t sound good at all. Funny how a little baby will bring so much stuff into a household.
Thanks very much, Laurie
Lovely photos today, Derrick. Reducing clutter seems like a constant battle.
Thanks very much, Jill.
Beautiful woodland photos, especially the tree bark! That footpath looks like my kind of walk – easy on the feet. Let us know if you find out more about why they decided to block the road all of a sudden. I’m guessing the Caravan Site is like a private campground. ?
The Caravan Site is part of a national organisation at the far end of the road – but I doubt that they own the road. Thanks very much, JoAnna.
… “further goods have appeared as fast as we declutter” is familiar to me – and we have not expanded our household!
🙂 Thanks very much, Anne
Derrick you keep outdoing yourself! Today’s gallery is just awesome in its scope and quality. Too many favorites to name just one. Reflection pools are always a wonder, forest paths and dogs walking people are true to life stories, and the old tree that feel prey to the storm so many years ago still offers character and spirit to the land. But… the image of the black roots and nearly solid carpet of leaves is beyond words, with another world’s flavor and feeling. I could only find one oak looking leaf in the left foreground, while the symmetry of all the others is indeed proof of Nature’s consistency. Bravo, sir, for the visual treat you have shared with us.
Thank you so very much, Maj and Sher, for these comprehensive comments
Great journey! Thank you Derrick
Much appreciated, Sylvie
You seems to have some very large conifers over there. Do you know what species? Some of those scenes remind me a bit of the Pacific Northwest over here.
They are giant redwoods, Lavinia http://www.newforestexplorersguide.co.uk/days-out/in-the-new-forest/rhinefield-ornamental-drive.html Thank you very much
Thanks for the link, Derrick.
And a good time was had by all! Cheers.
Thanks very much, Joy
Glad to hear you’re reclaiming your library space Derrick
Thanks very much, Sheree.
You’re very welcome
Oh yes, seems like the dog took his family for a walk 😉
Thank you very much, Ribana
Another excellent day in the woods.
Thanks very much, Andrew
Exceptional photos. I especially like the reflection and the tree trunk.
Thank you very much, Dolly
Fascinating photos, especially the tree trunk. And the dog walking its owner – priceless,
Thank you very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
That’s a marvellous green / purple /brown trunk. Your teacher would be pleased his words have stayed with you. I think I might have seen some brown ones though! It’s tragic when a favourite route is blocked off. Scotland has a more enlightened approach to land access.
Thank you very much, Susan
I have begged my family not to buy me ornaments of any design shape or size. I think ornaments and paintings are beautiful only in the eye of the beholder. I often wonder why other people do not realise that the ornaments/paintings we have on display are very much a personal choice to those who display them. I do not want to display the choice of others. So when a suitable period has passed, my unwanted items are taken to the charity shop!
Wouldn’t it be just great to be able to say, oh my Lord, that is hideous !
It would, Sue. A late friend of mine always bought me Ferrero Rocher chocolates. I hadn’t the heart to tell him I didn’t like them. Thanks very much
Snap! I don’t like them either.
Yes, indeed, “trees were never just brown,” is demonstrated perfectly by your wonderful photo of that moss covered trunk … what magnificent shades of green, etc!
Thanks very much, Jan
You have so many gorgeous places to drive and walk that happily that closed gate was not a major tragedy.
Quite so, Judy – just an irritation. Thanks very much
Fascinating collection of photos. That dog walks as well as our Molly. 🙄
Thanks very much, AnneMarie
Great photos, Derrick. You can see nature is clearly at work in that beautiful forest area.
Thank you very much, Dwight
Who indeed would put a gate right there! Most likely new owners of the caravan park who perhaps did or didn’t seek approval or old ones who got snooty with so many cars use “there” road. It would be interesting to do some research especially if turns up that it’s not their road.
Is the Modus small enough to drive around the gate? Just a thought. Just watch out for a mad man with a shot gun. 😉
Thanks a lot, Chrissy. We suspect it is about people parking on the verges