The Skip Is Almost Full

The condensation in my 35mm. lens dried out overnight, so I was able to use it for today’s photographs of Martin. First we confirmed our choice of the new patio paving and he and I ordered the new material which will be delivered on 12th December.

Martin has continued to level the area to be recovered. The three loose stones are marking an blocked up old pipe leading from the site of the old kitchen sink to

the manhole forming part of the route to the septic tank.

Our friend spent some time planning the different stages still to be implemented. The wall behind him needs a layer of gravel before wooden sleepers replace the artificial brick wall.

Sweeping and raking the remaining soil is a continuing process. So much so that

Farwell’s skip is now almost full and another will be needed.

Martin has stacked the old paving that we might recycle in some way at the end of the Back Drive.

Dillon arrives at Heathrow tomorrow morning, so Jackie drove his little family to Southbourne from where Becky will drive them to collect him.

This evening we dined at Lal Quilla, where we were warmly greeted and fed as well as usual. My main dish was chicken Jaljala; Jackie’s chicken pasanda. We shared special fried rice, a peshwari naan, and a cauliflower bahji. We both drank Kingfisher. I have not mentioned the music before, but we always enjoy the gentle, rhythmic background lilt.


  1. Congratulations on all of Martin’s progress. I hope he is not bone weary. Your dinner sounds delightful. I”m glad that the family is being reunited.

  2. Martin is a great worker, he has done so much work for you guys! I don’t understand how your phone numbers work… πŸ˜‚

  3. These chicken dishes are completely new to me. I had to look them up. In the US we have lots of Indian restaurants, but i don’t know of any Pakistani (I’m not sure there aren’t, but it would be very uncommon), and the dishes are all quite standard from one restaurant to the next.

  4. YAY for Dillon arriving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ So glad the family will finally be complete again! πŸ™‚
    Martin is doing such great work! πŸ™‚
    The dining out sounds so lovely…atmosphere, music, food, and companion! πŸ™‚
    (((HUGS))) πŸ™‚
    PS…β€œThe pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.” – Charles Dickens ❀️❀️❀️

  5. Wonderful that the little family will be reunited. Quite a thing to move so far. Just moving to the next town would wear me out. Also, Martin is doing a fantastic job. Phew! Talk about being tired out. Over twenty years ago, Clif and I installed the patio in our backyard. Couldn’t do it now, that’s for sure.

  6. Somebody will be pleased to get your old slabs. We preferred old recycled ones for our patio a couple of years ago because brand new ones can sometimes look a little too bright.

  7. Excellent progress is clearly being made. I like the sound of Jaljala, although it would take more than a good name to stop me ordering Royal Bengal Special when I get the chance.

  8. Looking good!
    I just love having a skip, though perhaps I should admit that I’m often guilty of having a rummage to find out what items Victoria and Simon have dumped into it.
    And I now know why Americans and Canadians call them Dumpsters!

  9. I’m so glad your lens dried out. My camera body isn’t weather sealed, and I’ve had trouble with sweat getting into it from time to time; that was no fun, either.

  10. I’m so impressed with Martin’s work. It’s fun to see the process of before and after and getting ready for the new pieces!

  11. How exciting with a new patio! I wish I had a Martin – I do have some errant bamboo I need to deal with. Or, preferably have a Martin deal with it.

  12. It is surprising how much work goes into what one imagines will be a ‘simple’ job of lifting old pavers and replacing them!

  13. Martin did a lot of work, and I a sure the new patio will be lovely. It sounds like you and Jackie had a wonderful meal out, complete with music, too!

  14. Your dinner at Lal Quilla sounds delightful! The project in your yard looks daunting! Thank God you have Martin there to help with all that! Best of luck with the manhole forming and all that exacting work. Wow! Looks like you’ll have a renewed sense of beauty out there with your new pavers and all the layers of gravel and wooden sleepers. I bet you are excited to see the finished product! Have fun with your family all coming to join you, {{{Derick}}}. Hugs to you and Jackie.

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