A Meeting of Cousins

This morning Jackie and I shopped for lunch items at Tesco and continued for a short forest drive.

The now fast-flowing stream bridged by Church Road bubbled, rippled, and reflected the adjacent waterlogged woodland.

I wondered whether the young equestrian we followed for a while had been given his horse for Christmas.

Danni, Ella, and Jack visited today, keen to meet their “new baby”, as Ella, clutching her Foxy, termed Ellie. Our great niece and nephew were very attentive and gentle with our great granddaughter throughout the visit.

Ella normally makes straight for the toy box in the library; today her first wish was to engage with Ellie. The toys had to wait.

Ellie was content to spend time with Danni and her children.

Eventually Ellie needed to be settled upstairs and the others amused themselves in various ways.

Despite appearances, Jack thoroughly enjoys his mother’s squidging.

Jackie provided her trademark cold meats and salad buffet, of which there was more than enough for the rest of us to graze on later, once Elizabeth, Danni, Ella, and Jack had returned to their respective homes.

In the meantime we all settled down to a restful time while Danni read to Ella and Jackie kept Jack occupied with her computer.


      1. Thank you very much, Tootlepedal. I am hoping this can all be resolved when my computer advisor is back.

  1. A full and wonderful day! I love Ella’s look of delight in the header photo. She’s at that age when it’s fun to see the world through her eyes.

  2. Your grandkids and great granddaughter are almost as cute as ours! 🤪 Hah! And hey: “squidging” is the best idea yet! I love it!! What a beautiful family you have. Thanks for sharing the fun, {{{Derrick}}}

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