Three Different Picture Recovery Procedures.

One set of posts to which I am struggling to recover pictures is the A Knight’s Tale series. This morning I worked on

in which there were neither pictures nor header. I am not even sure I have inserted the correct images, but these will suffice.

These next two were examples of the “Attempt Block Recovery” sets, which required insertion into WP media files in order to produce a feature image as a header. The Thatching one was part of a tiled gallery of 5 , for all of which I used the process. Other images on the post, I left as they were.

The cyclists in the Misty Morning Mizzle picture was a block of one. I left all the others alone.

Later this afternoon I visited Birchfield Dental Practice for an hygienist clean from Georgia Warne.

These evening we dined on succulent roast duck with crispy skin; crisp roast potatoes; firm carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli; and tender runner beans, and tasty gravy, with which Jackie drank sparkling water and I finished the Malbec begun a couple of days ago.


  1. odd that some previous posts I can remember vividly, and yet others seem as though they are the first view, and this is despite comments left!
    Perhaps illness has taken a toll on my memory too.

    I’m pleased you are making headway with images.

  2. I’m not sure exactly what I am looking at Derrick. You’ve said you’re having difficulty recovering photographs. Well I clicked on the cyclists in the drizzle and the whole of the story was revealed including all the other photos including your visit to the Lymington Royal Mail office.
    Or have I misunderstood the problem?

    1. No, John. The point of that one is that for each block I had to click on “attempt block recovery” to reveal the pictures in the text – and further, to put them into the Wp media file to be able to post a feature picture. So, only the header was put into that file – if I ever want to move the others I will have to do the same with them. Thanks very much.

  3. You have worked so hard at recovering all these photos! Jackie’s excellent cooking sounds like a wonderful reward for all that hard work.

  4. I love the header photo! I’m sorry the photo recovery is a struggle and wonder if there is a time limit. On the other hand, I admire your perseverance and know it must be great exercise for your brain.

  5. Love the header-photo! What beauty and joy! 🙂
    You had a busy day AND are still busy working on your previous posts! I admire your hard work and dedication! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Merril. Quite useful on days when the car is out of action

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