
Once again, in order to submit to Denzil’s Nature Challenge I have been forced to recover pictures in posts.

This has taken most of the day. In each of these posts I have used both my Mac Photo collection and Wayback Machine. They are:

In the event I did submit an offering of a post which did not have to send me round the bend as did these two. There are more, which I couldn’t face today.

Later, I bagged up more garden refuse and photographed a variety of ferns in the Patio Bed.

This evening we all dined on beef burgers, with sliced sandwich gherkins and fresh salad with a variety of sauces, with which Jackie drank more of the rosé and I drank Terre Siciliane Nerello Mascalese 2021.


  1. Blogging frustrations! We all face them at some point along our blogging journey. Dinner sounds delicious! ????

  2. AW the owls! ❤️ They saw and admire your resolve! I admire it, too!
    I HAVE lost my reading specs before…and I found them on my head. Ha! One time while wearing my reading specs I forgot I had them on (How can that be?!?!) and I tried to put on another pair of reading specs over them! HA! Silly me!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. What a busy day you’ve had. I remember the glasses post.

    Three weeks ago I collected my Prescription sunglasses from the opticians.

    Today, someone from the practice rang to ask how I was getting on with them, I said fine… I daren’t admit that I kept forgetting to put them in the car and that I still haven’t worn them!

  4. I enjoyed all the photos. Don’t push yourself too hard. I would probably only be able to do one recovery post a day and take days off.

    1. Yes, thanks very much, JoAnna. You may have noticed I don’t do them every day. 🙂

      1. I hope James fixes the emoji setting on your site soon. I wonder if he he didn’t receive your email.
        Happy Birthday Derrick ???????? That was a glass of wine and a birthday cake. And now a smiley face via the keyboard. 🙂

        1. Thank you very much, Sue. I have abandoned all hope of help and will plough my own furrow. My e-mails haven’t bounced.

          1. That’s a shame.
            It’s not something that you yourself can fix and neither can WP; it’s down to the person who is hosting your site to adjust the settings. 🙁

  5. That is a very nice patch of painted ferns. I grew some back east but have not had luck here. It is probably too dry and hot in summer.

    I enjoyed the older posts you converted, especially seeing the pigs. Round The Bend reminded me of an old Moody Blues song, “Lovely to See You Again My Friend”.

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