Pannage 2023 Has Begun

Early this morning I wished our young family well as they set off on their next house-hunting trip to Scotland, then settled down to watch the humdinger of a World Cup rugby match between Ireland and South Africa.

The day here remained overcast until the arrival of sunny spells this

afternoon which enlivened the views, like this one from Abbotswell hill, on our post prandial forest drive.

Still an inviting weekend many pedestrians, such as these

backpacked walkers on Holmsley Passage and descending a hill outside Burley;

or this jogger on Abbotswell Road, were in evidence.

We passed a couple of Tamworth pigs dicing with death on the main road near the entrance to Charles’s Lane where we stopped for me to walk back to them. Suddenly I heard their piercing squawking

approaching as they appeared atop the hilly verge dashing towards me and saving me the effort.

Some way down the lane they ventured into the undergrowth, emerged lower down the main road and demonstrated that they had not learned their lesson. Jackie screamed at the blue car to stop as it sped round the approaching bend.

Pannage has begun. Gloucester Old Spots in particular have taken to the road in search of acorns and other mast, probably unaware that, while feasting themselves with autumn’s treats for themselves, they are saving ponies from poisoning themselves.

This first group were scampering along Newtown Road, Gorley;

and these, along the road through Ibsley,

where cattle stoically ignore flies.

Mossy roots were exposed on the shady Newtown Road verges, sunlight pierced the foliage to dapple those at Frogham,

where donkey foals basked and scratched beside Abbotswell Road..

Later, I watched the rugby World Cup match between Scotland and Tonga; the second half while we both sat on the sofa enjoying left-overs from last night’s Red Chilli takeaway.


  1. You guys had a lovely day! There is a lot of bacon and beef walking around your area. Like GP said, I hope your family enjoys life in Scotland. ????

  2. It suddenly occurred to me that our restaurant chain, Panera (whose name is identical to the word for “breadbasket” in Spanish and Catalan) suggests your practice of pannage. After all, there can be some piggish behavior at Panera!

  3. Love the roaming and munching livestock…and the fact they just “,pose” for you…no getting up and rushing away from you or vehicles.

  4. I hope the driver of the blue car learnt a lesson today.
    Lovely photos of the pigs. Oh, how quickly this year has passed, it doesn’t seem two minutes since you and I were exchanging images of last year’s pannage.

  5. Is there anything cuter than a donkey? Yes, It’s a baby donkey just learning about all of his parts.

    This statement about the pigs got my attention: “. . . while feasting themselves with autumn’s treats for themselves, they are saving ponies from poisoning themselves.” So that means the ponies would eat this stuff if the pigs didn’t get to it first? And it would harm them? So fascinating! And so cool of the powers that be to be this in tuned to nature. I wish our powers that be were in tuned to . . . anything.

    1. Wise words, Jodie. Yes – it would harm the ponies who hadn’t got wise to it. Thanks very much

  6. I find the pannage season very interesting Derrick … the benefits seem to be widespread, except for the motorists …whoops .. this is annoying, I have to sign for every comment! …

  7. For all I know pigs are tough and they have long perfected the art of dicing with death, which is a sparkling expression, pictorial too if you have witnessed the indomitable scourers dodging the traffic on busy roads. As a matter of fact, they can be quite the nemesis to bikers. The album you have produced today is interesting enough, what with the cattle and donkeys included for variety. I quite enjoyed the bipeds too in the earlier part of the picture.

  8. Bestest wishes to Flo, Dillon. and Ellie as they continue to house-hunt. ❤️
    Porcine, bovine, and equine…lovely photos! I love seein’ the piggies at work!
    And those donkey’s always make me smile! 🙂
    A huge THANK YOU to Jackie for being alert and for speaking up!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  9. As usual, I enjoyed your photos and really appreciate being able to enjoy all your scenes and animals vicariously. Thank you for sharing, {{{Derrick}}}. <3

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