Gusts From Garden To Coast

This morning we enjoyed bright sunshine with cotton clouds and fierce 50+ m.p.h. winds which set the clouds scudding at speed;

the slender weeping birch twigs swaying;

the water filling all the containers like rugs and wheelbarrows rippling;

stripped all but the more resistant last leaves from the copper beech;

rustling the foliage of all shrubs and trees around the garden.

Although some of the hostas have died back there has been no frost to jellify the nasturtiums;

even bees are still at work;

roses, Blue Ming Marvellous campanula, and hydrangeas linger on.

Before a shopping trip to Tesco, we drove down to the coast at Milford on Sea in order to have a look at the waves.

Visitors flocked in to enjoy the snow storm of flying sea foam coating the pebbles, the rocks, and the surface of the Solent.

Soon my specs, viewfinder and lens were completely blurred by the white balls, making clear images impossible. It is a wonder that I caught any of these.

I gave up and, leaning into the oncoming gusts, trudged back to the car so Jackie could drive us along to my next hoped-for vantage point. My camera refused to cooperate so Jackie

produced these shots of kite surfers and The Needles.

Later, I posted

This evening we all dined on Jackie’s wholesome cottage pie; crunchy carrots; firm Brussel’s sprouts; tender runner beans, and meaty gravy with which the Culinary Queen drank Zesty, and I finished the Shiraz.


  1. You and Jackie have documented both the beauty and the power of the season. 50+ mph winds are pretty fierce. I hope for some calmer weather for your trips out. Dinner sounds delicious, as always.

  2. Your weather is extraordinary. I’m fascinated by the black and white, snowy, foamy, fluffy photos. It’s a wonder you were able to stand in that forceful wind. It also looks bitter cold.

  3. Beautiful photos, Jackie and Derrick! Especially love the snowy-sea-foam photos!
    Braving the gusty gusts and windy winds paid off! But, so glad you got back home safe and sound.
    The Blu Ming Marvellous Campanulas and the Nasturtiums and Antirhinnums are so lovely! They brought the smiles! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. At first I thought you had experienced snow. That is an impressive quantity of foam. Today I stayed warm and took pictures of things lying on my desk. Perhaps you might try that as an alternative to risking lifa and limb. It’s much easier and the kettle is never out of reach. 🙂

  5. The foam is fascinating! It really does look like snow. I’ve probably said this before, but I sure admire your sense of adventure! It must have been nice and cozy to be home after that. Don’t let that wind push you around. 🙂

  6. I’m amazed by how the foam looks like snow. Does that have something to do with your camera settings? The pink rose is pretty–made even more interesting with the presence of a bee.

  7. When I opened this post and saw the header I mistakenly thought it really was snowing down your way!
    You were very brave to go to sea shore on such a day, but very well rewarded for your efforts, the photographs are stunning. I hope the camera recovers from the damp.

  8. Like others I thought the header shot was snow at first. Going out in that wind was not pleasant, I’m sure. What you do for your photos! 😉
    But great shots from you and Jackie. I get you were happy to get back to a warm house and dinner.

  9. I am amazed at how you tolerate the inclement weather to take photos but they are well worth it for those of us that enjoy your photography skills.

  10. Winter is on the way. 50 mph winds are pretty strong. I guess your trees will be pretty bare after that! I still have a few roses trying to bloom also.

  11. What a great team you two make! Love the seafoam photos – they are spectacular. I bet your nice warm house was more than welcome after this jaunt!

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