A Surprise Sunset

Following yesterday’s post

this is Ellie’s favourite position for reading, and her favourite book of Jackie’s crossword puzzles.

After this morning’s sofa session Jackie and I splashed our way to the Efford Recycling Centre where we deposited another carload of garden refuse. Roads were still carrying too much water, but, although the sun had disappeared, at least the wind and rain had subsided.

The afternoon continued dull and dingy when we set out on a forest drive.

Having concentrated on waterlogged roads for the last day or two I

focussed on the soggy woodlands today. These pools were alongside Exbury Road,

the verges of which also contained mushrooms – a rare sight this year.

Given the leaden nature of the skies we were surprised to catch

sunset over Beaulieu Heath on our way home. The third image is Jackie’s.

This evening we all dined on The Culinary Queen’s tasty penne Bolognese with which she drank Zesty and I drank Riserva Privada Chilean Malbec 2022.


  1. Sitting on Great-Gran’s lap, reading a favorite book, getting snuggles and hugs…THE BESTEST place to be! 🙂 ❤️
    Gorgeous photos, Derrick and Jackie! I always love seeing your reflection photos, your leaves and trees photos! Wowza! The mushrooms and the spectacular sunset photos are superb, too!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    “Life does not come with instructions on how to live, but it does come with trees, sunsets, smiles and laughter, so enjoy your day.” – Debbie Shapiro
    “That was her magic…she could still see the sunset, even on the darkest days.” – Atticus

  2. Wonderful surprise sunset and amazing reflections, especially # 7 and 5. But the third snuggly photo of Jackie and Ellie is the best of all, where Ellie’s expression is saying, “MY Grandma!”

  3. I wonder if sunsets are getting more spectacular after our poor beleaguered planet has suffered what must be thousands of wildfires during the summer?

  4. Wow! Gorgeous sunset photos. Today we are getting our first measurable rain since August!! We have been in moderate draught so this will help a little.

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