Toy Exchange

Today we shared the hated task of beginning to tackle several months of ironing.

During the afternoon Danni visited with Ella and Jack.

Our great-niece and -nephew usually make a beeline for the hamper toy box in the library. I brought it out in readiness and

Ellie had first go, sharing the contents with Jackie.

After a while she walked across the room to her parents to show them the Quacky Bird.

The cousins arrived with replacement toys and books now surplus to their requirements. Great fun for all ensued.

While our visitors were preparing to leave for dinner at Elizabeth’s Ellie walked round to give Ella a welcome cuddle.

This evening the rest of us dined on hot and spicy, salt and pepper, and tempura prawn preparations, and spring rolls won a bed of Jackie’s savoury rice with which she drank Dino Pinot Grigio 2022 and I drank more of the Carménère.


  1. What sweet pictures. The cousins look like they are all playing together and enjoying each others company. Ellie looks like she has mastered walking rather well.

  2. How lovely to see Ella and Jack again. I’m so pleased they came to visit.
    We also receive the grown out of toys, but even the two eight-year-olds happily play with them all again when they come to visit (no friends to witness).

  3. What a pretty little girl Ella is — and Ellie isn’t far behind her! Believe it or not, I actually remember playing with toys in a toy basket when we went to visit friends of my mother’s — I must have been about 3 or 4!

  4. Great family photos! I especially love the cuddly ones! I don’t understand the need for all that ironing, especially if you hate it. David sometimes irons clothes he’s going to wear to church, but most of our clothes don’t seem to need it. I don’t know if it’s the type of clothes we wear, or if we’re just tolerant wrinkles. I have not ironed in years.

  5. Toy exchanges are such fun: tired old games take on a new life. My children and grandchildren have shared some of the same books and toys … more recently I handed over some of them to a friend’s grandchild. It is lovely seeing him play with them now.

  6. Your beautiful, loving family gathering helped make my morning, Derrick and Jackie! The young cousins are very lucky. There were no great-grandparents alive when I was small. There were no grandfathers left – only one grandmother still alive and she was in her 80s. She did write poetry and made beautiful drawings. She lived 1500 miles away and I did not see much of her. I think I was 14 when she died.

  7. There was only one grandmother when I was born, but within a month she had departed this earth. I always wished I’d had that opportunity. Plus my parents were both old and by the time I went to school in their 50s, Dad creeping closer to 60!

    But lovely to see you family enjoying the toy box together…memories in the making

  8. Oh good.. WP will finally let me leave a comment. Guess I’m less suspicious than when I read earlier blogs..You certainly had an impressive collection of toys as well as of kiddies. Looks like fun!!!

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