Defensive Cycling

Jackie finished the ironing this morning.

We then needed to scrape ice off the car windows, for the first time this year, before setting off for a forest drive.

Hardy rowers were out early on Lymington River.

Frosted leaves lay on the pavement beneath my feet as I took these pictures.

The pool spreading across the crossroads at the East Boldre corner of St Leonard’s Road reflected the crisp, clear, cerulean skies of the day and the surrounding shrubbery as grasses bent along the still surface.

Long shadows streaked the lengthy St Leonard’s Road, its partly frosted verges, its fallen golden brown leaves and the reflecting surfaces of filled ditches awaiting the addition of foliage yet to slowly swing down from branches overhead; one sawn trunk has been uprooted in a recent storm;

a parliament of rooks took heir seats to debate the absence of green issues.

Sunlight filtered through woodland like this lining Brockenhurst Road.

As usual at weekends we encountered numerous examples of what we understand as defensive cycling such as these in Walhampton Road, in St Leonard’s Road and in Brockenhurst Road.

A good explanation of this practice is given in

This evening we all dined on succulent roast lamb; crisp Yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes, including softer sweet ones; crunchy carrots; firm cauliflower and broccoli, meaty gravy, mint sauce, and redcurrant jelly with which Jackie and I had more of yesterday’s wines.


  1. Great photos today, Derrick! I do practice some of those defensive movements when riding. A car door opening in front of you is really dangerous!

  2. Welcome to winter, Derrick. The tips on cycling are good to be aware of. What I hate are passive-aggressive cyclists who deliberately slow down so that you have to creep even slower behind them. I ran into one in California and would not have minded seeing him detained by the cops for failure to follow traffic protocol.

  3. The defensive cycling link was enlightening. I did not know about taking up more space as a strategy, but it does make sense now. Thanks.

  4. Defensive driving makes sense, esp #4????. I’d love to have dinner with you when you’re having roast lamb. Yummy!!! I liked the photo of the frosted leaves at your feet.

      1. And, of course, I would stay as long as it took to see the ponies, hogs, the woods and sea that you photograph so well, walk your garden paths and enjoy a few more dinners. Now that would be a great vacation, or ‘holiday’, as I think you call it????

  5. Derrick so maddening. It makes me sign into my account every time I want to comment. Hope this works. WP keeps making it so difficult. Know it isn’t your fault. At any rate wanted to say what a beautiful place you live in!!!

    1. Judy, It happens to me too. The usual WP icon is not present on Derrick’s site, but sometimes a different browser allows you to comment. Another sure way is to use the Reader, don’t use VISIT the site, instead just click on the text and you should be able to both read and comment without difficulty.

  6. Okay.. second time is the charm. When I tried to comment on this blog earlier, WP wouldn’t allow it. You live in such a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing it.

  7. Love the tree “decorated” with rooks! 🙂
    Good to see the rowers and the bikers out and about.
    Your leaves photos are always faves of mine! As are your photos of capturing the sun at play!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  8. Brave rowers!
    Lovely images, Derrick.
    Joshua went to the supermarket first thing. He asked, “ Would you like me to take your car and get it cleaned?”
    After he left, I went out to top up the bird food, and as I walked across the frozen white grass, I realised why my car seemed like a good option. My car was in my garage bay, dry and free of ice, his was iced over. Apparently, not for the first time. Winter has arrived!

  9. I enjoyed these beautiful fall forest scenes, Derrick and Jackie! We have had a couple of cold frosty mornings here, too. Any leaves left on trees are dropping quickly when the sun rises.

  10. Back in my cycling days, at least 10 years ago now, Mrs Widds and I would use the defensive cycling technique in certain situations, and on at least one occasion I’m certain it saved our lives, or at least saved us from serious injury.

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