Back To Autumn

Overnight rain had desisted by this morning, leaving the roads once more waterlogged, yet there was no frost and we were treated to cotton clouds scudding speedily across cerulean skies while splashing our way to Ferndene Farm Shop to buy provisions and a Christmas tree for which Jackie had to return later because there was not room for both me and a seven foot tree in the car.

From Ferndene we continued into the forest via Beckley Common Road.

A trio of ponies dozed unblinking on the verge of Forest Road, further along which the winterbourne stream has filled up again, bearing grasses and reflections on it surface. The low sun lit hummocks and cast shadows across the opposite verges.

Off the Thorney Hill bend of the road,

a few fine fungi had pierced a layer of fallen autumn leaves at the wooded corner of Valley Lane.

The sun penetrated the cover of leafless branches occasionally lighting the foliage yet to fall among the browned bracken, and printed reflections on muddy pools.

During the afternoon the rain beat down once more and the winds shook the garden foliage.

The day was warmer than of late. Could autumn have returned?

This afternoon we dined on pork/apple and pork/chives sausages; creamy mashed potatoes of the the white and the sweet varieties, fried onions, crunchy carrots, tender runner beans and meaty gravy with which Jackie drank more of the Pinot Grigio and I drank Le P’tite Pierre red wine 2022.


  1. What say you? Did your part of the world leave autumn before its time? I tease, of course. Your photos are just lovely. I especially love the last one in the “ponies” group. It has a misty, dreamy quality to it.
    Glad you were able to enjoy more balmy weather. I shall be dining on tomato/basil and bacon/cheddar sausages myself with mashed potatoes and veg still to be determined 🙂

  2. I’m impressed you won the spot in the car in lieu of the Christmas tree, but then she would have had to return for you. Lovely pictures and meal.

  3. It seems like you’ve had your winter, one day’s worth. The ponies lined up as if they were posing for you. I like the reflection photos and the sun peeking through the naked branches.

  4. Gorgeous photos! I enjoyed them AND your poetic words!
    Love the dozing ponies. Aw!
    Ha! Glad you and the tree did not have to share space in the car! 🙂
    Winter has arrived here and it seems to be here to stay. So I say “See you next year, autumn!”
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. Another pretty drive through your countryside. I like the photo of the curvy road. Tell me, is it paved or a dirt road? Hard to tell in the photo. As usual, the ponies are beautiful. Thanks, Derrick.

  6. Thank you for these lovely photos. I especially liked the sunlit leaves, the soft white mushroom, the winding road, and the sleepy ponies whose manes are mimicked by the grass on the water.

  7. I’m pleased you took priority over the Christmas tree!
    I read this yesterday but lost my Internet before having a chance to comment.
    I still have no connection so have logged onto Victoria’s. Their one was also off yesterday but so far I’ve stayed connected.

      1. Still waiting for BT to deliver the mini hub. The phoneline/broadband can’t be fixed until next week. Apparently, it’s a problem in a box down the lane. I’ve connected to Victoria’s Sky broadband, but we lose the connection when we leave our kitchen.

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