Last Lingering Leaves

Much of the day was spent on various pressing administrative tasks; however I did have a walk around the garden during the cool, bright, sunny morning, which turned out to be the most conducive to photography as the afternoon became more overcast.

As can be seen by the filled water fountain on which Jattie’s sculpture, attracting a butterfly rests, there had been no overnight frost.

Antirrhinums, penstemon, and ornamental grasses still stand proud;

winter flowering clematis Cirrhosa “Freckles” claims its season;

sunlight pinpricks the Gazebo Path and penetrates the west fence;

lights the leaves of Japanese maples clinging to the trees and lying across the lawn while some in shadow blend with the rusting top of the patio table; and those of the New Zealand flax, speckled laurel, and the last remaining suspended from the copper beech.

This evening we all dined on Red Chilli’s excellent takeaway fare with which Jackie finished the Pinot Grigio and I drank more of La P’tite Pierre.


  1. Lovely images of capturing the disappearing sunlight. I have enjoyed your garden during our winter and your summer. Hopefully, the winter isn’t too harsh and our summer isn’t too hot, I think I may be pushing my luck.

  2. Working on pressing administrative tasks requires a walk outside for relief and reward. I love how you’ve captured the sunlight on the leaves, especially the Japanese maple leaves.

  3. This morning, my neighbor’s copper beech tree dropped the last of its leaves and the westerly wind deposited them on my lawn. This afternoon, the weatherman’s forecast was most reliable as we’ve had a couple of inches of snow. Winter is making an early entrance, not unusual in these parts.

  4. Administrative tasks are the bane of my life! You have captured the light beautifully in these photographs – they are a joy to look at.

  5. Nature knows how to paint in sunlight and shadows…masterpieces. And you know how to capture them in photos. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    PS… “Moonlight is sculpture; sunlight is painting.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne

  6. The garden is still looking lovely with its shades of green and gold and even a display of bright colour from blooms determined not to die.

  7. Wonderful photos that evoke the coming transition from autumn to winter. I especially like the ones of the light through the fence, and the one of the patio table depicts such a sense of near-desolation. Lovely! ~Ed.

  8. I love walking around your garden. Sometimes it takes me awhile to get here… my Yahoo e-mail gets so cluttered with junk. Yours is a nugget among the stones!!

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