On third successive day largely overcast but cooler I took a walk round the garden to see what I could find.
Trees were silhouetted against the midday sky, while birds flew overhead.

A few flattened limp leaves had succumbed to the cold.
Apart from the winter flowering Cirrhosa clematis “Freckles”, enjoying a brief moment of sunlight,
the nearest to prolific flowers was represented by the increasing lichen on the Nottingham Castle bench.
The peach climbing rose photographed a couple of days ago is past its peak but has a few buds waiting to take its place; the pink Generous Gardener bravely persists, as do yellow Absolutely Fabulous, Festive Jewel, and another pale pink climber.
In addition we have pansy-like violas, out of season hebes, bacopas, penstemon, and hydrangeas.
This evening we all dined on second helpings of last night’s Chinese takeaway meal with added spare ribs. Jackie drank more of the White Zinfandel, and I finished the CarmĂ©nère.
Still some beauty in your garden. No flowers left here, just burnt green waiting for white.
Thanks very much, VJ
Looks like autumn is doing a valiant last stand in the rose garden.
Thanks very much, Pat
The violas are looking quite spring-like.
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
You still have lovely blooms in your garden Derrick. They are showing off.
Thank you very much, Arlene
Glad to see some flowers trying to smile.
Thank you very much, Mimi
You are welcome. I love your garden. The different kinds of flowers and their colours must brighten up your day when you see them
Looks like your wintry days are now the norm’ Derrick … while here we are enjoying another sunny 30’C day …
Thanks very much, Ivor
What beautiful gardens you stoll have. So many wonderful photos in this set.
Thank you very much, Andy
You’re welcome.
Beautiful photos, Derrick…makes me long for spring.
Thank you very much, Jill
That lichen is looking very healthy.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
The garden id still beautiful. Every season has his beauty.
Thanks very much, Chrissy
The flowers in your garden are very determined despite the changing weather. They are still very beautiful!
Thank you very much, Donna
What’s not to like about lichen?
Thanks very much, Steve
There’s always something beautiful or interesting to see in your garden, and on our marvelous planet. You do a good job of helping us look closely.
Thank you very much, JoAnna
Beauty shines through on a bleak day 🙂
Thank you very much, Rosaliene
Roses hang in there so beautifully. Thank you for capturing them and the cheerful violas, Derrick.
Much appreciated, Val
Beauty is where we look for it. The day seems to be more suited to reading in comfort indoors rather than being out and about in the gloom.
Thank you very much, Anne
I love nature’s most interesting offerings…like “Freckles”, the lichen-“flowers”, the pansy-faced violas, the penstemon-bells etc! 🙂 Lovely! 🙂
(((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”- John Muir
Thank you do much, Carolyn XX
The quantities of lichen point to some lovely air quality where you live, Derrick. And still you have some flowers!
Thank you so much, John. It never had any lichen at Newark or London
A good job of finding color on a grey, December day, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Merril
Your weather has done some damage, but your garden does push through!!
hanks very much, GP
There are some hardy plants in your garden
Thanks very much, Sheree
Lovely late flowers.
Thanks very much, Sherry
Your lovely garden shows strength and not ready to succumb to winter’s chill.
Thank you very much, Eugi
You’re quite welcome, Derrick.
A succession of harsh frosts here have rendered massive damage. Now we wait for the Spring.
Thanks a lot, Andrew
After the hard freeze on first n November nothing remains. Charlie cleared out the annual bed which invited juncos to come and ground feed with the remains. A great cooperative venture.
Thanks very much, Elizabeth
We live in such different climes, you and I! Glad you can still enjoy roses in December 🙂
Thanks very much, Dale
December, and still so many colorful flowers left! I particularly love the bright, cheery faces of those pansies.
Thank you very much, Lavinia
I loe the way your climate in the south helps to keep the florals alive. Ours are gone but not forgotten!
Thanks very much, Sue
Love the delicate colours
Thank you very much, Gary
You always manage to brighten the dullest darkest day Derrick…. <3
Thank you very much, Sue X
Wonderful photos, so bright and beautiful!
Thank you very much, Nicole
Seems like those flowers don’t mind the cold 🙂 So beautiful!
Thank you very much, Riba