Freckles (2)

On third successive day largely overcast but cooler I took a walk round the garden to see what I could find.

Trees were silhouetted against the midday sky, while birds flew overhead.

A few flattened limp leaves had succumbed to the cold.

Apart from the winter flowering Cirrhosa clematis “Freckles”, enjoying a brief moment of sunlight,

the nearest to prolific flowers was represented by the increasing lichen on the Nottingham Castle bench.

The peach climbing rose photographed a couple of days ago is past its peak but has a few buds waiting to take its place; the pink Generous Gardener bravely persists, as do yellow Absolutely Fabulous, Festive Jewel, and another pale pink climber.

In addition we have pansy-like violas, out of season hebes, bacopas, penstemon, and hydrangeas.

This evening we all dined on second helpings of last night’s Chinese takeaway meal with added spare ribs. Jackie drank more of the White Zinfandel, and I finished the CarmĂ©nère.


  1. There’s always something beautiful or interesting to see in your garden, and on our marvelous planet. You do a good job of helping us look closely.

  2. Beauty is where we look for it. The day seems to be more suited to reading in comfort indoors rather than being out and about in the gloom.

  3. I love nature’s most interesting offerings…like “Freckles”, the lichen-“flowers”, the pansy-faced violas, the penstemon-bells etc! 🙂 Lovely! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”- John Muir

  4. After the hard freeze on first n November nothing remains. Charlie cleared out the annual bed which invited juncos to come and ground feed with the remains. A great cooperative venture.

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