The Gang Of Cousins

This afternoon we reprised Christmas with Danni, Ella, Jack, Elizabeth, and Jacqueline.

My younger sister, our niece, Danni, and her children Ella and Jack joined us late in the afternoon and Jacqueline arrived from Boston in Lincolnshire later.

Dillon, Flo, and Becky produced an excellent spread of cakes, biscuits, bread, quiches, cold meats and salad; Flo vacuumed and cleaned the house, adding pleasant scents to the atmosphere.

The three little ones enjoyed playing with each other, while the adults conversed and lent the parents an occasional hand.

Presents were exchanged after Jacqueline arrived. I had intended to photograph the openings, but with wrapping paper , crackers, and tottering children flying about in all directions, I deemed it safer to stay in my chair.

Of course we needed no further sustenance later.


  1. We too had a second Christmas – complete with tea and mince pies to accompany the early opening of presents – after our Hout Bay family had joined us the previous day. This was followed by Christmas dinner … we were replete with food and happiness.

  2. YAY for cousins!!! All three are beautiful and I’m pretty sure they could conquer the world! (wink, wink)
    Seeing your sister makes me think of your mum. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) and Happy New Year!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Absolutely Fabulous! How lovely to see Ella and Jack again.

    I think Jack and Ellie look a lot alike, especially around the mouth.

    Our next celebration is tomorrow (New Year’s Day), Joshua and I are hosting again, this time for twelve of us, though it could be another baker’s dozen if Max’s Jess is still here tomorrow.

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