I guess we have all experienced visiting a doctor when feeling unwell only to find we are miraculously improved when we start to recount our symptoms. I discovered this morning that this can also work with computer printing problems.
Just before Christmas 2023 my Epson SureColor P600 suddenly failed to produce anything but sure colour. I had followed all the suggested procedures for discovering the problem and printing images which did not appear to have been through a mud bath. James began by testing the print head nozzles. This was the first move I had made, with the same result, namely that there was nothing wrong with them.
We then made some test prints of the image above which produced the correct colours.
James also discussed the problems with loss of pictures following the change of site. This seems to be what he called broken links. He will continue working on this manually with the aid of an app which will automatically scan all my existing posts to find the affected ones. He is also going to draft a more user friendly page to ease access to archives and categories.
On another dreary wet afternoon I posted:
This evening we all dined on roast pork, boiled potatoes, carrots, Bramley apple sauce, and meaty gravy, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Languedoc-Roussillon.
Technology certainly likes to keep you busy. Hope it gets resolved.
Thanks very much, Pat
Our electronic gadgets are great until they “won’t” be it your tiny mobile through to a modern vehicle!
When we look for a fix of anything we find oodles of ideas but not necessarily for your brand and/or model.
Then one day (occasionally) it mysteriously starts working again. You wonder, was it my “swearing” at them or did push a sequence right.
Or you take it to the repair, they tweak a bit and charge you an “arm and a leg ”
Hope you won’t need to.part eith an “arm or leg:
Thanks very much, Catherine 🙂
I’ve always had difficulties with printers too, Derrick. So annoying!
Thanks very much, John
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Intermittent problems can be some of the hardest to solve. “Unsolvable” problems that suddenly disappear often come back. I hope your printer is not one of those. You have my sympathy!
Thank you very much, Lavinia
UGHS on printer problems. Hope all gets resolved!
Ellie looks like she could care less about printers. Ha! She’s focusing on the important stuff of life…singing, dancing, joy! 🙂
(((HUGS))) and ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ to everyone at your home! 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn X
I ran into printer problems m’self today . . . Your supper sounds very, very good!!
Thank you so much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I solve most of my printer issues in one of two ways: I turn it off and then back on, or I beckon to Mike in exasperation and he rescues me. I really should be ashamed of myself. 😉 Glad you’re back in business.
Thank you so much, Alys. You organise enough of everything else.
We had a problem with my shop computer. It wouldn’t switch on. Eventually we unplugged it and then plugged it in again. It started. There is no logical reason for this to work. I hate technology!
Yep. Thanks a lot, Quercus
Always a pain to have computer problems, but what a sweet picture.
Thank you very much, Laurie
I laugh now when I remember the day my computer informed me in a slightly prissy tone, “Your computer is not communicating with its printer.” I’m not sure if they had an argument, but somehow I got it fixed. I hope the same for you!
Thank you so much, Linda
I spend a great deal of time ‘fixing’ or ‘coaxing’ my husband’s new printer to do what it is asked to do. It seems that when my patience has worn really thin and I am mentally considering throwing it down the stairs, I get a fresh wind and start from scratch … and whatever naughty genie in there has left to bother someone else. One evening though, after admitting complete defeat, I pulled out the last few pages from the printer … and out came a tiny eraser! How we laughed, for of course it worked like a dream after that!
Your printer was rubbing you up the wrong way. Thanks very much, Anne
I’ve always had some problems with printers too!
Thank you very much, Luisa
As always, you’re more than welcome, dear Derrick!
My printer never works properly. Printers are just a problem.
Thank you very much, Robbie
Don”t feel alone with printer problems because I have them too. Technology is great when it works but terribly annoying when it doesn’t.
Thank you very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
You’re most welcome, Derrick!
I have given up on printers. Full of problems.
Thanks a lot, Andrew
This will sound kind of crazy. But the printer at work likes to act up. After restarting the printer and computer and it still gives me problems I go grab a hammer and sit it on the desk and it starts working.
It can read your mind, Andy. Thanks very much
You’re welcome. It can be so frustrating for sure.
I despair of finding a printer (and the skills) that can produce a picture with colours that I want.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
Your evening dinner sounds delicious, especially with the addition of apple sauce, which I don’t think we eat frequently enough to be honest.
Thanks very much, John
Printers are the worst offenders
Thank you very much, Sheree
I hope it all gets sorted out. Delightful photo!
Thank you very much, Merril
It’s a love-hate relationship with technology!
Indeed. Thanks very much, Barbara
I’m sorry you’ve had printer problems. Good to hear that James is going to sort out the problem links from the old site.
Did you mention the emoji problems your site experiences?
I forgot that, Sue. Thanks very much
After a while things become the norm. 🙂
Sorry about your problems with your printer. Ah, the joys of technology, huh?
I got your message, thank you! It is currently sitting in my spam folder where it has been lanquishing since you sent it. No amount of persuasion removes it!
I will try what your daughter did next time it happens, as it cleared up on its own.
Thank you again for your suggestion.
Much appreciated, Robbye
Technology apparently is becoming more user friendly these days ????????
Thanks a lot, Gary
Every now and then everything needs a doctor visit 🙂
Indeed, Ribana. Thank you very much