Wet And Dry

On this dry, sunny and consequently cooler day Jackie and I took a drive around the north of the forest, taking in lunch at Hockey’s Farmhouse Café where we each enjoyed our respective favourites.

Traffic was slow during the early part of our trip, and we had to wait for a train to pass through the Brockenhurst level crossing, enabling

me to photograph catkins beside the road.

I photographed donkeys, trees in the landscape, and a jogger along the road at Penn Street Common,

where unusually silent starlings sat upon a hedge in which, photographed by Jackie,

flittered flocks of twittering sparrows.

Although no more rain fell, roads, like North Gorley, along which traffic splayed, sprayed, and reflected;

and moorland, as at Penn Common and North Gorley, continuing to bear waterlogged stretches and nurture ponies, still showed extensive evidence of the recent deluges.

Work was proceeding on the thatch of The Elm Tree featured in https://derrickjknight.com/2024/02/04/thatching-with-cider/

It may not have rained today, but previous precipitation glistened in the sunshine.

This evening we all dined on a choice of Jackie’s delicious beef or chicken pies; creamy mashed potatoes; peas and sweetcorn; crunchy carrots, and tender broccoli stems, with which she drank more of the rosé and I drank more of the Portuguese red.


  1. You’re quite poetic today, Derrick. Loved the pictures and have a desire to go out and visit Buddy, after seeing your fuzzy donkeys. As always, dinner sound delicious.

  2. I love the images of the donkeys. Those thatchers must be delighted to have had a much-needed dry day.

    I thought we’d had more than our fair share of rain here in Yorkshire with our flooded fields, but by the look of your roads, you’ve had a share of other people’s.

  3. Splendid photos, Jackie and Derrick!
    Oh, you know I love seeing the donkeys! And it’s wonderful to see the birdies, too!
    So great that there are some blue skies and some dry spots. Still some puddles…but puddles can either be avoided or jumped in! HA! It’s fun to put on cute rain-boots and jump in puddles. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Sorry, Liz. Of course they are starlings. I even flanked them with silent and sat for alliteration! An aberration. Perhaps I was thinking of Jackie 🙂

    1. They don’t leak and are good for 30 years. The thickness is because the new is laid upon the old. Thanks very much, Steve

    1. They are, of course starlings. I even flanked them with silent and sat for alliteration! Perhaps I was thinking of Jackie 🙂 Now amended. Thanks very much, Linda

  4. Splayed, sprayed and reflected… flittered flocks of twittering sparrows… oh my! Your WordSmith was working overtime today! Loved it! And as always, your donkeys fascinate me! Have a Terrific Tuesday, {{{Derrick}}} ❤️????

  5. It must be good to see sun after all that rain and high water, Derrick and Jackie. The ponies, donkeys and even starlings look pleased, too.

    I love a thatched roof, although in my area they would be considered dangerous in fire season. Metal roofing is encouraged.

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