Missing Some Of The Action

This morning I read more of Emil Zola’s “Nana”, and this afternoon,

photographed by Becky, I watched the Six Nations rugby match between Ireland and Italy. I may have missed some of the action.

This evening we all dined on Jackie’s succulent chicken and ham pie; boiled potatoes; firm broccoli, and crunchy carrots, with which she drank more of the rosé and I drank Montaria red vinho regional Lisboa 2022.

Becky added an egg to Jackie’s decoration and made the first of these two photographs.


  1. I can see from your rapt expression, you were a rabid fan of today’s event. Must be the angle of the picture, but it is the first time that I have noticed a resemblance to COL Sanders of KFC. The casserole looks delicious.

  2. That game sure kept you cheering, Derrick. But at least you stayed out of Jackie’s hair while she cooked that great pie!!

  3. Ha! Well, in the wise words of somebody, somewhere, sometime…”Nap when you can!”

    Now I’m thinking of so many good quotes…
    “To nap or not to nap. That’s never a question.”
    “I nap, therefore I am.”
    “If at first you don’t succeed. Take a nap.”
    “May The Nap be with you.”
    “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a nap.”

    Okay…I’ll stop now. I’ve got a million of them!

    As a little girl, I’d catch my dad sleeping while he was watching sports on TV. He would always say, “I was just resting my eyes for a bit.” HA! Like I believed that!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. There’s something about the drone of TV sports. Some of my best napping memories come from sitting with my father watching football.

  5. It is always good to get extra rest, but my neck would be killing me if I fell asleep with my head against a wall like that!

    Jackie’s pie looks delicious!

  6. I hope your neck was fine after that marathon effort of keeping the wall steady 🙂 To be fair, I dozed over the crossword yesterday afternoon – fortunately in a more comfortable chair 🙂 🙂

  7. I like the sound of chicken and ham pie. I will suggest it to the chef (Marc). He got his pies muddled recently. He put a shepherd’s pie inside a pie crust. I had asked for a beef pie.

  8. Looks like you had a hard weekend! You probably did not miss much. I always say it is the last five minutes of the game that is most exciting anyway!

    1. 🙂 even watching. It sure is – but much harder today in the professional era. Thanks very much Gary.

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