
On the dank, headlights-dark mid-morning of another day of continuous rain dripping into potholes, we splashed and sprayed our way along the pools of Christchurch Road to half-term-children packed Tesco and back for a big shop, its urgency prompted by yesterday’s news featuring a shortage of teabag supplies.

I spent the afternoon reading, until our grand-family returned home from an outing with Ellie carefully guarding

a page of stickers bought for her by her parents. For some time she was not about to let anyone else hold them. Eventually I was able sneakily to scan them when she had momentarily been distracted.

This had led me to remember transfers. When Chris and I were still very small my godmother, Auntie Gwen, visited us every Saturday afternoon bringing small gifts. During one period she would bring sheets of paper transfers. These would be placed face downward on our arms and soaked off with careful, gradual, application of water. Jackie, Becky, and Flo all remembered such treasures and Flo especially was surprised that they went as far back as the 1940s.

On her android tablet Becky has this photograph she produced with a very old camera of Sam sporting a transfer in August 1984.

This evening we all dined on left overs – some untouched – from last night’s Chinese takeaway with the addition of spring rolls. Jackie drank Bonelli Malvasia white wine 2022 and I drank more of the Shiraz.



  1. Oh my gosh! Americans love their tea but I suspect that the British people love their tea even more, Derrick! He’s a cute little booger picker. ????????????❤️

  2. We just opened a large family size box of teabags that we purchased last weekend. In my book a cup of tea is a cure for everything!
    We had noticed for a couple of months now that Morrison’s has had a shortage of teabags, we thought it was their inefficiency in shelf stocking, which is why we bought a family size when we saw them. I didn’t know there was an official shortage.

    Oh, I remember transfers and stickers. Transfers were hard to wash off, but my goodness just try removing stickers from a wooden floor or cabinet. Watch her carefully – she is a quick learner.

    1. A sound warning, Sue. Fortunately the crayons with which she has drawn on the wooden floor are washable. Thanks very much

  3. Sounds like a fun, if damp day all the way around. That old picture is a fun glimpse of childhood in its natural state. I didn’t think that you Brits used tea-bags, that was an abomination only used by former colonists (like the US).

  4. Hope you got your teabag supplies. The Indian shop in my neighborhood has been out of my favorite brand of green tea for a month now. Is there a teabag shortage here, too? I’ll have to check on my next visit.
    How precious that Ellie is not willing to part with her stickers 🙂 I would be, too.

  5. I understand how Ellie would be protective of those transfers/stickers as I still vividly remember how much fun they were back in the days between sibling squabbles.

  6. What a cute post. I remember my children loving stickers and then the transfers we called tattoos. Now, I’m glad I have a good supply of tea.

  7. I remember transfers from childhood. We used them to decorate Easter eggs rather than our arms or legs, but they were great fun, and apparently went on exactly the same way.

  8. A teabag shortage! That spells disaster in my book – thankfully I collect tea and it would be a while before I ran out. As for the transfers: I well remember the ones that required water. Stickers appeared in my life first with my youngest child yet bloomed fully with the arrival of our grandchildren. We still have a Peter Rabbit sticker stuck to our security door from several years ago! Heed the warning by SueW 🙂 🙂

  9. What cute and sweet stickers Ellie now owns. 🙂
    What a wonderful memory of your Auntie Gwen!
    How wonderful so many of us have positive memories of fun with stickers, transfers, fake-tattoos! 🙂
    How awful for there to be a teabag shortage! (We love tea so we have at least 5 or 6 different kinds in our pantry right now.)
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    PS…What IS Sam’s transfer? A spider? Or a big scary booger? (shock-ed face) 🙂

    1. Stocks of tea on the shelves noticeable. A shame about the transfers. Thanks very much, Lavinia

          1. I discovered it years ago. In Russian translations, it is always Malvasia, but when I read this part of history in English, I was surprised to find Malmsey, so I researched and discovered that it is the same wine.

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