Three Mothers And The Future

Apart from watching the Six Nations rugby match between France and Wales, I spent much of the day reading William Makepeace Thackeray’s “Vanity Fair” which I began earlier in the week.

At sunset we all drove down the coast road to join Becky and Ian at

Britannia Thai in Milford on Sea for a Mothers Day celebration meal.

Jackie, Becky, Flo, and Ellie sat together for a photoshoot, then

spread out a bit.

We thoroughly enjoyed the evening, with lots of fun, a few presents; and the usual excellent food served with friendly efficiency.


  1. Four generations of women. What a fantastic shot. Perhaps convert it to black and white and print professionally for a treasured keepsake down the ages? Imagine Ellie showing it to her own children…

  2. Is it Mother’s Day in the UK?
    We don’t have ours until May in the States…

    The photos are just lovely!!! What a blessing to be able to all celebrate together!!!

  3. As we celebrate Mother’s Day in May, I was happily surprised by a Mother’s Day greeting from my son in Glasgow yesterday 🙂 As for “Vanity Fair”, it was on a pre-reading list for my first year university course in English. My mother had to get a copy for me on inter-library loan – it was an ancient (I was only 17) copy that hadn’t been read for decades. Then, in 2004, I bought a ticket to watch the film (we still had a cinema then). When I realised I would be the only one in the audience, I asked the projectionist if he was still going to screen the film. “You have bought a ticket,” he said “and I have a job to do.” It was great fun.

  4. Happy Mother’s Day to all of them. A wonderful title for the post–and a beautiful photo to cherish. (I agree it’s one to have printed and framed.) ????

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