
This morning’s strong winds and driving rain did not deter Martin, but

they did mean I would photograph him from the stable doorway.

Helen and Bill visited bringing Easter presents for Ellie, and leaving with ours for their grandchildren.

Ellie played a game of taking off her dress and putting it on again.

Dillon was there to catch me aiding this process.

Later I read a lot more of “Vanity Fair”.

This evening we all dined on baked gammon, Jackie’s creamy Mac and cheese, and green and runner beans, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Malbec.


  1. Mmmm, Mac and Cheese! I love it so much. I love the photos of you and Ellie, Derrick, so very sweet and precious! As Equipsblog said, Marin is a treasure! Such a good man! I hope you all get some sunshine and warmer weather very soon. Spring is here. ❤️????????????

  2. Hi, Derrick – I love that clothing game that young children often play. Our oldest son used to sit in his carseat and proudly announce “I’m taking my socks off. I’m putting my socks on.” This could provide great entertainment for long car rides. <3

  3. Wow … strong winds and driving rain again …
    “Grumpy Bears in Chains”

    The crashing noise started after midnight
    When the growling thunder gave darkness a fright
    I was shaken by the storms furious hard rain
    Sounding like grumpy bears in chains
    Thumping my iron roof with their heavy paws
    And lashing at the awnings with their steely claws
    Then the giant drops turned into falling ice-blocks
    And I rushed back inside to shelter behind the dog box

  4. Ellie will enjoy looking at these photo treasures in years to come. I love your living room colors which look cool, clean, and cozy.

  5. I love the photos of you and Ellie, and also seeing your living space, even a glimpse out the window. In the header photo, Ellie could be a young girl from the past in that dress. Martin certainly is dedicated!
    It’s early morning here, but I’m kind of craving mac and cheese now.

  6. Martin is a tireless, dedicated worker! He looks dressed for the weather. Here, working in the rain mean lots of sticky mud with our clay soil. Ge

    Little Ellie is very sweet! Those are nice photos of the two of you, Derrick.

  7. Martin is a treasure, you did well finding him.
    Aw bless Ellie; I have a feeling she’ll be choosing her own clothes before too long!

  8. Don’t you love the way little kids get such a kick ot of disrobing? Glad you were there to help her get the clothes back on! She is such a character!!

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