This morning, Jackie drove me to Bolton, a suburb of Poole, for my cataract surgery assessment from

SpaMedica, a private hospital contracted to NHS.
After a thorough review, involving repeats of some tests and scans undergone at Boots opticians two days ago, including further drops to dilate the pupils, and measurements of the lenses, I was booked in for surgery next Sunday, 21st.

I remained light sensitive for three or four hours, which did not prevent me watching the Women’s Six Nations rugby matches between England and Scotland, and between Wales and Ireland.
This evening we all dined on crispy fishcakes; creamy mashed potato; crunchy carrots; piquant cauliflower cheese; and tangy ratatouille, with which I drank Lazy Pig, a light hoppy ale.
I hope your surgery and recovery goes well.
Tank you very much, Andy
You’re welcome.
Thanks very much, Andy
Surgery next Sunday! Wow, that’s quick. It took me months to mentally prepare myself for the medical procedure. Wishing you a successful outcome <3
Thank you so much, Rosaliene X
I hope your surgery goes well!
Thanks very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I join in the throng wishing you well with the surgery.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
est wishes for a good result, Derrick!
Best, rather.
Thanks a lot, Doug
Thanks very much, Doug
Best wishes for our upcoming surgery, Derrick! Those drops that dialate your eyes are not fun.
Thanks very much, John
Best wishes with your surgery. I’ve heard the difference in clarity after cataract surgery is significant.
I think so, JoAnna. Thanks very much
All the better to see you with, m’dear. Good luck with your cataract surgery.
Thank you very much, Pat
You have my prayers and hopes that all goes well…surgery and recovery!
(((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you very much, Carolyn XX
Wow–that’s quick! I hope all goes smoothly.
Indeed. Thank you very much, Merril
I join everyone in wishing you best of luck, Derrick!
Thanks very much, Lavinia
I can’t believe how quickly the date has been offered. That’s wonderful news and I hope all goes well for you.
Thank you very much, Sue
Sooner always is better. Congratulations!
Thanks very much, Linda
Great news Derrick that you are having the procedure done so soon …
Amazing, Ivor. Thanks very much
I am glad you are scheduled for surgery! Take it easy until then.
Thanks very much, Bridget
Cataract surgery is such a smooth and quick procedure. I had mine in ’21. I am surprised that they will be doing the surgery on a Sunday. Nothing is done on Sunday here, unless it is an emergency situation. All the best to you with that procedure.
Thank you very much, Zakiah
Of Derrick, what big eyes you have. Your surgery will be fine. I had cataract surgery tears ago and I had no problems.
Thanks very much, Chrissy
I hope it would be a successful one Derrick.
Thank you very much, Arlene
Wow, Derrick. That’s a rather too close up photograph. But I trust the operation will be a success. I am always reminded of an old missionary doctor in Tanganyika who used one of his scalpels to kill a snake. His comment was, “The operation was a success. The patient died.”
Thanks very much, John
Clif had his done several years ago, and it was a great success. As I am sure yours will be.
Good luck with your surgery, Derrick. Kevin had it done a year ago and it was very successful. He is ultra squirmish about anything around this eyes so for him to say the surgery was a breeze says something.
I wish you good luck for your upcoming surgery, Derrick.
‘My, what big eyes you have!’ But you’re no wolf????. How was the match. Will you watch The Masters golf tournament? Final round today and I’ll watch some of it.
The matches were excellent, if one sided
Colors are so much brighter after my cateract surgery.
Thanks very much, Sherry
That eye-dialation isn’t fun, that’s for sure … been there a few times myself.
All digits crossed for the surgery to go well.
Thank you so much, Widders
There is no such thing as a Sunday surgery at our eye center, in fact they close at noon on Friday too. Good luck!
Thanks very much, Diane
May you emerge eagle-eyed from the procedures.
Thank you very much, Uma
Right, I’m caught up. Good luck with the surgery. Nice to see you getting value from all those years of National Insurance payments. 🙂
My thought exactly, Quercus. Thanks very much
Good luck with the surgery and speedy recovery, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
I hope everything will go well and you’ll have a speedy recovery!
Thank you very much, Riba
I know those eye drops, they are dreadful here as our sunshine is so strong
Thank you so much, Robbie
Getting new eyes eh? You are going to find the surgery and results fascinating. It is a truly amazing operation with no pain or discomfort whatsoever.
Thank you very much, Lindsey. I need that reassurance because I last had one 30 years ago consequent upon a cricket ball in the eye at age 14, and I was in acute pain for a fortnight afterwards
No doubt you’ll notice improvements in the procedure.????
I will. Back then it was a total anaesthetic
A lot lighter now, seems less than a colonoscopy. And you go home feeling quite chipper.
Even I have been detected with Cataract but thankfully no surgical intervention required yet.
Thanks very much, Geeta