Flipping Flies

Immediately after lunch, before I had a tooth extracted by Mr Matt Hefferen at Birchfield Dental Practice, We took a forest drive.

Rhododendron Ponticum is ubiquitous in our area. One, beside the ancient Burley signpost at the bottom of Castle Hill is reflected in pothole pools,

alongside which a young foal vigorously rolled in a vain attempt to flip flies from its nether regions.

One seemed to manage alone;

another tried scratching with a hind hoof or catching the breeze engendered by its mother’s twitching tail;

alternatively trying to distract her from a mutual grooming exercise.

This evening we dined on tempura prawns, spring rolls, and mixed vegetables on a bed of Jackie’s colourful savoury rice, with which I drank Reserva Privada Chilean Malbec 2022.


  1. Sounds like a fun day except for the extraction, which I hope was as painless as possible. Since you are dinner, I am guessing it was at least tolerable.

  2. Such wonderful shots of the ponies, even though I feel so bad for them trying to rid themselves of the flies. I love the mutual grooming sequence.
    Sorry about the tooth, but I’m glad you felt well enough to eat dinner.

  3. The pony is so cute! I wish it wasn’t being bothered by the bugs. I hope you aren’t in pain, Derrick, ouch!

  4. Poor babies. Standing near mom’s twitching tail is smart. Maybe they’ll learn mutual grooming soon. I hope the sweet pony pictures were a distraction from the extraction.

  5. I hope your mouth heals quickly and you aren’t in a lot of pain. (Sounds like you got your delicious meal ate…eaten…down. 🙂 )
    Oh, those poor sweet ponies! Such pesky flies! (sad face) I bet the horses wish the flies would go visit some frogs!
    The mutual grooming photos are sweet…looked like hugging at first, to me. Everyone needs hugs! 🙂
    Speaking of hugs…(((HUGS))) and ???????? for you and Jackie!! 🙂

  6. Maybe the pony’s need a “Defy the Fly Horse” Collar
    * The natural way to repel flies, gnats and mosquitoes.
    * Made of All Natural ingredients, they contain no harmful chemicals and are effective up to two months.

    1. That would be good – but suspect it was the nether regions that suffered on this one. Thank you very much, Ivor

    1. As I said to the dentist, my mother’s extraction of a loose baby tooth with the string and doorknob method was probably more painful. Thank you very much, Val

  7. Derrick, you’ve managed a lovely and heartwarming collection of pictures. The rolling pony made me smile, but I also felt its distress. I’m glad you’re enjoying good weather. I’m sorry about the tooth, though often, once it needs extraction, it’s a relief to be rid of it. I hope this is true for you.

  8. You have chosen an excellent title 🙂 ‘Toothless’ might have been too gruesome for some 🙂 🙂 I was most disappointed to lose a tooth earlier this year … ’tis age said my dentist, who also warned me against eating dried bananas!

    1. Thanks very much, Anne. I am old enough to have experienced wartime and postwar sweet rationing – so I don’t have a sweet tooth

  9. Excellent pictures of the ponies though I feel sorry for them being pestered by flies. I hope the tooth extraction went well and there was no pain.

  10. Love your pony pictures today! Sorry you needed a tooth extracted. No fun! Prawns for dinner? Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. I do feel sorry for the animals especially as fly season isn’t even in full swing yet! AT first glance I thought the foal was stuck in the dip of the field.
    I can’t believe I’ve missed so many of your posts this week. I’ve missed others too, it’s been a tiring half term.

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