Look How He Holds The Brush

This morning we transported another car load of garden refuse and entomological stowaways to the Efford Recycling Centre.

There was no further rain and the day was rather cooler, so Nick was able to make an early start and spend an uninterrupted day

applying the first coat of paint to our east gable end. When I observed how he guided and controlled the brush with his fingers he replied that he didn’t know he was doing it, especially after 40 years.

This evening we dined on chicken Kiev; creamy mashed potatoes; tender spinach and green beans; firm carrots and cauliflower, with which I drank more of the Malbec.


  1. Entomological Stowaways!! ha!! Right, after 40 years, I can see that Nick barely knows what he’s doing. It’s good to have such experience on the job. That colour is so warm and bright. It will be lovely.

  2. Wonderful photo of the painter at work. When I first saw the photo, I had to enlarge it for a closer look. Somehow, the hand didn’t look real.

    1. 8 hours non-stop yesterday – he aims to finish today because steady rain forecast for Thursday. Thanks very much, JoAnna

  3. Years ago we had some painting done at a school where I taught. I noticed the painter hold his brush similarly. He explained that on a smooth surface he held is differently. But on a rough surface where he needed to ‘dab’ the paint on he held in the way you have shown.

  4. I love the term “entomological stowaways”, too. 🙂

    Nick looks like he does very fine work. Good to hear the project is moving along well.

    Your dinner made by Jackie sounds delicious, as always.

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