
Having grown used to hospital waking times I came downstairs early enough this morning to watch all four days’ highlights of the first test match between England and Sri Lanka then dozed away the rest of the day with sporadic entry into my blog comments.

Later I posted:

This evening Jackie prepared a small portion of cottage pie and tender runner beans for me, followed later by ice cream.


  1. I know you are so so SO glad to be home! Home! Always much much MUCH more restful than those darn hospitals.
    Yes, just take one day at a time. Rest. Heal. Continue to be a patient patient (Ha!) for Nurse Jackie! You are in great hands! πŸ™‚
    (((HUGS))) for you both!! ❀️❀️

    1. Good luck Quercus. Your observation is probably true – I did have a raw throat from what had been shoved down it to keep me breathing during the procedure. Thanks very much

      1. I haven’t had a proper general anaesthetic for over 40 years – all my recent ones have been spinal, which they count as general even though you are awake. Now you mention it I recall the sore throat. Enjoy the ice cream. πŸ™‚

  2. Home is the best place to be to find calm and assurance. What a time for you. So sorry you are going through this, Derrick, but I love your spirit and continued humour.

  3. I agree with Laurie, rest and ice cream are great healers. I can’t eat dairy as it triggers inflammation. Enjoy the ice cream for me, Derrick. πŸ™‚

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