Three Minutes

A sudden scary hail-like clattering seemingly about to pierce our bathroom window panes with a virulent volley at 7.10 a.m. this morning ensured that I was fully awake enough to investigate further.

A violent storm had lifted the patio parasol and, leaving the base behind, threaded it through the arms of a chair ripping the canvas top. Three minutes later all was still and silent. Jackie had righted the pot of chrysanthemums on the table before I produced my camera. Later we unthreaded the parasol pole and returned it to the base.

Fortunately the rain kept away while, returning with two reconstituted stone plinths, we transported another fifteen bags of garden refuse to Efford Recycling Centre.

The postman had delivered an admissions letter with a schedule of dates for my BCG vaccination installation procedures, beginning on Wednesday in two days time. This will mean six once weekly trips to Southampton General Hospital and some unpleasant side affects.

I had hoped to put my feet up this afternoon in preparation for some more chopping and bagging up of pruning from the section along the West Bed fence which Martin hadn’t had time for at the end of his recent visit.

Since I will probably be out of garden action for the next two months I

decided to carry out this task today and take a rest tomorrow. It needed five spent compost bags.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s wholesome shepherd’s pie; sliced fried potatoes; firm cauliflower, carrots, and Brussel’s sprouts, with which I drank Patrick Chodot cru du Beaujolais 2023.


  1. I hope your treatments go well for you, Derrick. I am glad that you are not experiencing what many people are here because of Hurricane Helene, and now Milton set to smash Florida two days hence. It’s ridiculous and very sad.

  2. You have our thoughts and prayers as you begin your treatments. We all care about you, Derrick! We want everything to go smoothly and well for you.

    Yikes on the sudden scary clattering. (That wasn’t Santa Claus!)
    Great vivid description of what you heard.
    “…there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter…” – Clement Clarke Moore
    (((HUGS))) โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

  3. I couldn’t help myself, I Googled BCG. Fascinating stuff – used for TB, Leprosy and bladder cancer – I never knew that one vaccine could be so useful and widespread in its effects. I hope it all goes well for you.

  4. Seems like weather everywhere is filled with surprises. Garden work is never done. Sending best wishes for success with your scheduled BCG vaccination installation procedures. Sorry about the unpleasant side effects ๐Ÿ™

  5. You are both so full of energy re/ caring for your garden, in spite of your recent medical problems. You are both like the Energizer Bunny. Do you know who he is?

  6. Nature is full of such surprises. The parasol was lucky to have found a helping hand in the chair. Wish you the best for your upcoming procedure.

  7. Unpleasant side effects … as long as good comes from it at the end of the series! I wish you well during the period and hope that you will at least be able to read and enjoy some drives!

  8. That was a quite a storm, Derrick. Seems 2024 is the year for storms. I hope you don’t have too much discomfort from your procedures.

    1. Thank you so much, GP. I believe I have seen a comment from you saying you are 7 miles away from the path. I hope that is far enough

      1. 7 miles from the east coast. One map still has us in the “cone of probability” and others have us just getting a tropical storm. So we’re waiting until morning to see if we need to batten-down the hatches.
        Thank you for your concern!

  9. Sudden wind can be unnerving and destructive! I like those stone plinths – good find. Hoping your treatments go well. Rest well! ~Ed.

  10. Don’t overdo things, Derrick, I’m sure Martin can take care of it when he’s next here.
    I hope all goes well with your next procedure.
    I’m a bit confused on when the treatment starts. You said in two days starting on Wednesday. Do you mean today or next week? ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. I am glad that your beautiful garden has not sustained any drastic damage.
    Good luck with your vaccination, Derrick. I hope it is as painless as possible and without any serious side effects.

  12. I’m sure you felt a sense of satisfaction getting those last minutes tasks done before you find yourself “out of commission” for awhile. I pray your days of waiting to return to your garden are fruitful in other ways. <3

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