Advent Day 24

These two photographs produced by Jessica on Christmas Day 1974

in our Islington garden contain a bunch of roses picked then by me.

This evening we all dined on Britannia Thai’s excellent takeaway fare. No-one imbibed.


  1. That is a wonderful head of hair you have there, Derrick. Those are very nice photos Jessica took of you. The roses are perfect, too! Yes, I remember the 70s and the styles.

  2. Unbelievable! What a head of hair!!But I shouldn’t be surprised; I had long black hair that came down to my waist. Now it is above my shoulders and totally salt and pepper gray!!Heh!
    Happy Holidays.

  3. The rambunctious 70s! In Russia, “Voluntary People’s Squads,” armed with scissors, patrolled the streets, looking for bearded and long-haired “imitators of the corrupt West.”
    Happy Holidays to you and the family, Derrick!

    1. I once entered a pub near Abbey Road with a glamorous woman and we were asked where we were performing πŸ™‚ Thanks very much, Gary

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