Four Degrees

This morning we woke to the smell of burning oil. Once more our heating was not working.

Top temperature outside today was four degrees centigrade; I don’t know what it was inside, but I certainly wasn’t going out – so after lunch I practiced with my Nordic poles, reaching No. 21 Downton Lane before turning back. I didn’t time the walk this time, yet a stiff cold breeze added enough of a chill factor for me to travel as nippily as possible.

There is still a small supply of crab apples to nurture our regular blackbird visitor.

This afternoon Steve of Norman’s heating came to fix the boiler problem. There was a small amount of oil where it shouldn’t be in the system; Steve cleared it out.

Later, I read more of ‘The Brontës’ before dinner, which consisted of succulent roast chicken; crisp roast potatoes; crunchy carrots; firm Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower with its chopped leaves for brassica; and tasty gravy with which I finished the Bordeaux while Jackie drank Diet Coke.


  1. I’m glad Steve was able to come out today to take care of your heater.
    The photos with the blackbirds and berries are lovely. The crabapple berries are not the same as what we call cranberries, are they?

  2. Wow, I’m glad that your heating was repaired very quickly this time, Derrick! Have you guys considered switching to natural gas or propane?

    1. We don’t have gas in this area, John. With the new company we may have better luck. Thanks very much.

  3. So sorry to hear about your heating issue. 🙁
    So very glad Steve was a great helper! 🙂
    Does your beautiful blackbird visitor have a name?
    We made homemade chicken soup for our meal…and we had some of the same veggies in it that you ate for your meal. 🙂

  4. I’m so glad the boiler was sorted. It’s not the weather for breakdowns.
    Apart from the recent problems, is the boiler due its annual service?

  5. That must have been an unpleasant way to start the day! I’m glad Steve was able to sort out the heating—especially with those chilly temperatures. Your Nordic pole walk sounds invigorating despite the cold! And how lovely to still have crab apples for the blackbird. I would love some too! Hope your heating stays reliable from now on!

  6. Good your heating was sorted out quickly. It can be such a pain in winter. The photography of the blackbird in the crab apples are particularly nice

  7. I am glad your heater was fixed so expeditiously.
    Terrific photos, contrasting both the colors and the textures.

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