My iPhotos collection of photographs received no adjustment when today I retained the one photograph from
but I have deleted the single one from
and the two from
A few years ago Jackie planted some lilies in the Pond Bed. None came to fruition. Apparently small rodents feast on the bulbs.
Today she disinterred the remains of the culprit, and offered me my blog post title.
This afternoon I read Charles Ross’s lengthy introduction to his history ‘Richard III’, which is essentially an examination of the differing opinions on the nature of the king featured in
I will say more about this balanced introduction when I have read and review the history which may be relevant to my previous post.
This evening we dined on roast duck with crispy skin; baby boiled potatoes, cauliflower, its chopped leaves, broccoli, and carrots, with tasty gravy. I drank more of the Kimbao.
Skullduggery is a very fine title for the little bulb thieves. Dinner sounds good too.
Thank you very much, Pat
The photos of the tulip bulbs planted by Jackie are really a bit disturbing
Thank you very much, Luisa. It is a rodent’s scull – I am sorry if it is upsetting
Oh you are so very welcome, Derrick!
It was a bit strange
Perfect title! That skull looks fierce.
Well… The rodents paid the ultimate price for their skullduggery!

Is there a view on what sort of evil rodents these were?
Possibly a rat? Thank you very much, Toolepedal
The rodent skulls are quite interesting.
Thank you very much, Liz.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
That is a big skull for a rodent. Enjoyed reading your previous posts Derrick.
Thank you very much, Arlene
It’s interesting to find animal skulls as long as the rest of the remains have disintegrated to dust. Those front fangs are impressive!
Thank you very much, JoAnna
Such interesting skulls…and what fabulous teeth!

“My, what big teeth you have!”
“The better to steal your lily bulbs with, my dear!”
Ha! Reminds me of the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Great title from Jackie!
Thank you so much, Carolyn XX
The title and the skull posed on the chair made me laugh. It looks big! I don’t think I’d want to meet that creature with those teeth when it was alive.
It seems like there’s been a lot of recent scholarship on Richard III.
This is from 1981, Merril. Thank you very much
Art of seeing. Interesting.
Thank you very much, Rupali
That doesn’t look like a small rodent. I hope Jackie’s plants do better now.
Thank you so much, GP
It always amazes me what I find when digging in my flower beds or when I till my garden.
Thank you very much, Andy
You’re welcome.
That is a large skull. Could it be a nutria?
Thanks very much, Sherry. See Lavinia’s comment and my response: It does look a possibility
The skull does look nutria-sized, but the teeth don’t look orange enough. We have them here in the U.S. and in my area. I was also under the impression the U.K. has fairly well exterminated its non-native nutria population.
That is very interesting, Lavinia.
Thanks for the link, Derrick. Transported worldwide for the fur trade, ironically enough, the nurtia has almost been exterminated in its home range in South America.
Praise be that I’ve never found any animal remains when digging in the garden.
Thank you very much, Rosaliene
Wow, that is a scary-looking skull. It looks like something you would see in one of those discovery shows.
Thank you very much, Eugi
Hoorah for the deceased rodent! I had the same problem at my last house, and most bulbs planted were dug up and eaten. At our current house, daffodils reign supreme, and I have not yet planted any new bulbs. So we will see what the many many squirrels, mice, and rats think of the future bulbs I may plant. I love the look of skulls, maybe because I live in the western US, where skulls are often used as decoration.
Whoa! Impressive.
A good set of teeth.
Thank you very much, Lindsey
Gosh, just look at those teeth
I can’t blame my eaten bulbs on rodents. It’s the fault of the rooks.
Thank you very much, Sheree