Ella And Jack Go Hunting

This morning Jackie laid out her usual cold meats buffet and sandwiches for the Easter egg hunt gathering taking place this afternoon. At lunchtime Jacqueline arrived with salads and Elizabeth brought a quiche. Jackie handed added pizzas to the table shown above.

Jackie had added photographs of her Easter decorations.

Meanwhile I converted

from Classic to Block Edit.

Soon after arrival Ella and Danni decorated the Easter Bonnet Jackie had given our great niece. Because it was difficult to fix the chicks feet through the perforations in the hat, Jacqueline stuck them on with Sellotape.

This was the final result.

As usual Ella found it difficult to wait for Ellie to wake up and join us. When at last she did Ellie’s bottom lip protruded above her top one, her arms tensed, and she began crying each time Ella turned away from her.

At last, after lunch, the Easter egg hunt commenced. Ella was fully aware of the process. Aided by Danni and Jacqueline, she enjoyed seeking the locations represented in the photographs Jackie had taken and Elizabeth printed; collected the treasures discovered for herself and Jack; and placed them in the two children’s separate baskets. Jack was less cognisant of the game, but he very much enjoyed running around the garden.

Andy arrived later to accompany Danni, Ella, and Jack home.

A few seconds after the little family’s arrival home Danni sent me this photograph she entitled “the sugar crash.”

As usual on such an occasion I needed no more nourishment this evening. Jackie, Flo, Dillon, and Ellie continued grazing.


  1. What a great Easter post. The ‘chicken hat’ is too cute also, Ella’s socks confused me (yes I know I pay attention to things I should not notice). What happened to the white sock, paired with a pink one? I thought it was quite a fashion statement.
    Happy Easter!

  2. that easter hat was fun – and glad you all found a way to get the sand up stuff on it – enjoyed seeing the joy of the easter hunt and I also liked to see the photo fo the table with the stacked dishes and wired centerpiece that holds the hot dish – I have not seen one like that and it looks like it is useful.

  3. What a lovely Easter weekend with family, Derrick and Jackie! The children are adorable, as always, and I love that little chicken hat! Thank you for including readers in the festivities!

  4. What fun! It brings back some wonderful memories of finding easter “eggs” in the holes of the telephone dial, and in the centers of calla lily flowers, etc!

  5. A beautiful post of your celebration activities Derrick. Those kids are adorable, I love the Easter bonnet too. Have a lovely and peaceful Easter Day.

  6. I cannot believe how much Ella and Jack have grown. What an absolutely splendid day!
    Ours was yesterday, perhaps a blog later in the week.

  7. Yes, what a joy! I have been anxiously waiting for this post to see pictures of those darling children—at least two of them—hunting for treasure. Soon, soon little Ellie will be joining the fun, and these sweet memories will always be with the children.

  8. Happy Easter to All Derrick …
    “Jingle Jangle for My Easter Bonnet”
    My notebook’s running on empty
    There are pages of invisible words
    And blue lines are leaping forward
    Leaving my empty threads behind
    I’ve empty pockets
    Lined with holey socks
    And my empire’s purse
    Is loosely tied to my Easter bonnet
    How am I going to fly?
    Without costly wings
    I’ve not even a jingle jangle
    Of silver change
    And my dream destination
    Now seems out of range
    But I don’t need to travel too far
    To reach my chocolate Easter bar

  9. The photo of Ella in her bonnet and dress is absolutely adorable — and what fun you all had! Ella certainly would have been able to lead the Easter parade this year!

  10. I am pleased to read that the photographic clues worked well. I have always made up rhymes for my children and the older grandchildren. Last year I was able to do the same for my younger ones. This year my daughter drew a fine map of their house using different coloured dots for her son and daughter to use to guide them to their eggs 🙂

  11. I love Easter egg hunts but we missed out this year. However, we did get to visit the 2 youngest grandchildren in their school classrooms followed by a 2 hour singing and dancing concert by each class. No-one missed out on performing. Then the traditional hat parade. Such an exhausting but exhilarating day. Then the 4 hour trip home. I think we just might sleep for a week.

  12. Ella is growing into a determined, capable, “got it all under control” young miss, and reminds me much of my granddaughter Ella-Grace at that age. They even stand and hold themselves the same, maybe because their builds are so similar. Our Ella is now 20, going on 21, and living way out west at Broken Hill, but yesterday for Easter Saturday we had three descending generations which included great-granddaughter Eleanor, also called Ellie. She will be one next year, and a very happy young baby. We also had great-grandson Aceson, just about to turn two. Despite not sharing any of my Italian genes, he loves his food, and can say “more” much more frequently than “no” 🙂 I’ve decided you could get him to try almost anything by telling him it is cheese. He polished off a good deal of the bocconcini intended for the caprese salad, for example.

  13. What a lovely fun egg hunt! 🙂
    Happy Easter to you and all of your family!
    We celebrate today!!! 🙂
    PS…I noticed the two different colored socks on Ella in a couple of the photos. Curious about that. My youngest ALWAYS chose two different socks to wear to school from the age of preschool on up to about age 10. She said she was expressing her happy mood and her personality. 😀 Longer story, but won’t share it all in comments. 😉

  14. Easter is just not the same without little ones! You have sent me to the “way back” memories of our family and all the kids when we would go up north to my mother’s. Wonderful memories. As are this precious images, Derrick. Happy Easter.

  15. What a delightful day you all had! Thank you for sharing the photos. Such a joy to see these little ones–who are growing so fast! I think the adults must have had almost as much fun as the children.

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