The Treasure Of Franchard

Knowing we were to expect gale force winds today, Jackie laid down garden chairs and Flo furled the parasols yesterday, but, because they have such heavy bases did not lay them down.

The gusts did it for us. 75 mph winds came through The Needles, just about 5 miles from us as the crow flies. They will continue throughout the night and most of tomorrow.

It is a measure of some improvement in my cold that I did venture out, if only briefly, onto the patio for these photographs, but no further.

On another afternoon of reading I enjoyed “The Treasure of Franchard”, a moral tale of the potential problems of riches. This short narrative of 8 chapters in my Folio Society collection of Robert Louis Stevenson’s stories contains delightfully descriptive bucolic prose, and penetrative insights into humanity.

Through the developing relationship of a loquacious doctor and a taciturn, yet questioning, boy the work is more obviously philosophical than some of the other stories. Ultimately it is the boy who emerges as the tutor.

Michael Foreman’s illustration features the pivotal finding of the treasure which is the vehicle for the lessons for the various protagonists.

This evening we all dined on Subway sandwiches produced by Flo and Dillon with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Séguret Côtes du Rhône Villages 2021


  1. I suspect that the high winds you are experiencing are from the hurricane that just missed the States but did hit Atlantic Canada. New Brunswick Nova Scotia. Bad storm!

  2. While I am sorry about the wind damage, I am pleased both that you appear to be feeling a little better and that Jackie had a break from providing the evening meal 🙂

  3. Wowza! That is a huge fast wind! I hope you all (and all of your property) will be safe as the wind rages on. It’s so sad when the wind damages things.
    So glad you are feeling some better and had time for good reading. That illustration you shared evokes such emotion.
    How nice of Dillon and Flo to bring the delicious sandwiches! What kind did you have?
    I enjoy Subway Veggie subs! 🙂 The other night we had sandwiches and salad from Panera Bread. I had their Mediterranean sub sandwich…it comes on Tomato Basil Bread. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thanks very much, Carolyn. I had roast chicken with lots of salad including onions and peppers. X

  4. Derrick, I’m glad to hear that your cold is getting better. Here’s hoping the gale didn’t do much damage to your garden. Yet another beautiful illustration. After all your intriguing reviews so far, I was pleased to discover that used copies of the Folio Society Collection are available but at a steep price. Will keep looking for a more affordable option.

    1. Thank you very much, Rosaliene. I hope you find one. Taking into account, format, paper, and binding I think it is one of their best productions

  5. I finally settled down and did some reading about The Needles. I found this article with some information on the name, the history of the fourth rock’s collapse, and some utterly splendid photos that I thought you might enjoy, even though you’ve surely seen plenty of them.

  6. I went out for the first time in a week yesterday and was almost blown onto the road as I stood waiting at the pedestrian crossing. Today I’m not venturing any further than the kitchen sofa.
    I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better.

  7. I’m just thinking it’s so good you were feeling well enough to put all the outdoor furniture on the ground in preparation. When I used to work for the US National Weather Service, 75 mile an hour winds were the beginning category for hurricane force winds. It would have wrecked your garden for sure without preparations, but even still I imagine there was some damage.

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