A recent post by https://paolsoren.wordpress.com who is an excellent storyteller prompted me to reread ‘The Leopard’ by Giuseppe di Lampedusa. Today I began with Raleigh Trevelyan’s introduction to my Folio Society edition of 1988.
Afterwards I watched the rugby Six Nations contests between Wales and Ireland, and between England and Scotland. Both games resulted as I expected, but much closer in more tense and thrilling encounters.
Such is Jackie’s, to my mind, unique skill in reheating roast meat that, for tonight’s dinner we enjoyed the second half of yesterday’s roast chicken as moist as before, with the addition of fresh vegetables and Yorkshire pudding, accompanied in her case by Diet Coke and mine by Château de Ruth Sainte Cecile Côte due Rhône Villages 2023. This delicious medal winner was a Christmas present from Martin.
The rugby was fun. I really like The Leopard- have read it several times over the years.
Thank you very much, Kim. This will be my second time
Sounds like a lovely day, Derrick, followed by the expected (and appreciated) excellent dinner.
Thank you very much, Pat
Keeping reheated meat moist is an excellent skill.
Thank you very much, Tootlepedal
A good piece of literature, a great sports match (or two) and a wonderful meal shared with a loved one. It doesn’t get much better than this. How could it?
Thank you so much, Donna
The Leopard isn’t a book I’ve run across before.
Thanks very much, Liz. I will feature it
Similar day to TWM, with a different reading list
Thank you very much, Sylvie
Jackie is an excellent cook. She could have opened her own 5-star restaurant.
Thank you very much, Lavinia
Reading, Rugby, Roast-chicken! 🙂 Rejoice! 🙂
(((HUGS))) ❤️❤️
Thanks very much, Carolyn XX
Sounds delicious, Derrick. I look forward to your review of The Leopard.