Frosted Recovery

We experienced very few, and only intermittent, frosty mornings this last winter. This is forecast possibly to be our last.

Jackie ventured out with her camera to photograph frosted flowers.

Later she recorded the perking up, while I practiced with my Nordic walking poles as far as No. 21 Downton Lane and back.

I then hoped to balance my iPhotos stock by a little culling, only retaining the obvious one from

and two from

I reinstated one and deleted four from

This evening we reprised yesterday’s chicken Jalfrezi meal with the addition of parathas, and I drank more of the Vega Spanish red wine.


  1. I hope the frost has not done much damage, and that this is the last one until autumn.

    I remember that book by Jack London, “Call of the Wild”. I enjoyed it very much.

  2. Culling photographs (and anything else!) is a difficult and time-consuming task. I am pleased to learn of your progress with the walking poles. I use mine whenever we go for a walk over uneven or hilly ground. They are wonderful appendages!

  3. what a beautiful walk, thank you for taking us along with you. the frost adds a special kind of magic to the plants –

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