Bloggers United


Geoff Le Pard 3

On a warm and sunny morning a long-awaited visit took place. My blogging friend, the talented writer, Geoff Le Pard, who had spent much of his childhood a mile away from our home, came, with The Textiliste, The Lawyer, and The Beautician, to visit us and our garden. We could not have wished either for better weather or better company.

A relaxed and happy conversation over coffee, tea, and cake, followed the tour of the garden, after which an examination of the before and after albums ensued.

The Textiliste 1

Here, The Textiliste surveys the Rose Garden.

Geoff Le Pard 2

Geoff, in the spirit of the bucket controversy, fished out a hidden one, pretending it had been left out to spoil a panorama.

Geoff Le Pard 4

He is, of course, capable of serious reflection.

The Lawyer and The Beuatician 1

The Lawyer and The Beautician strolled around with the rest of us;

The Lawyer, The Beautician, and The Textiliste

The Lawyer and The Beautician 3

here Geoff’s son contemplates the two ladies taking a break.

The Beautician and The Lawyer 1The Beautician 2

The Beautician 3

I did my best to keep the lens away from The Beautician, but the camera wouldn’t behave.

Derrick and Geoff 1Derrick and Geoff 2Derrick and Geoff 3Derrick and Geoff 4

She did, however, get her own back when Geoff and I were posed on a bench. You get a sense of who a person is by what they write on their blog posts. We knew we would get on well.

Salt marshesSalt marshes 2Salt marshes

Early this evening we took another trip to Tanner’s Lane salt marshes to take advantage of the clear light, lower in the sky than a couple of days ago. The tide was out.

Wind surfer

A wind surfer was in a bit of trouble;

Couple on beach

a couple walked hand in hand along the shingle;

Billy Tanners boat

Metal detecting

 a man wielding a metal detector passed Billy Tanner’s grounded boat;

Isle of Wight

and a yacht passed the Isle of Wight.

On our return home we enjoyed a plentiful salad meal with various cold meats and cheeses. Jackie drank her Hoegaarden and Bavaria mix, whilst I drank water.


  1. How wonderful that you could get together! It looks like certainly do get along. 🙂
    The shots of the salt marshes are wonderful. I particularly like the last shot–like an Impressionist painting.

  2. One of the most wonderful parts of blogging is making friends with other bloggers. A fine way for kindred spirits to meet.

  3. Who would have thought that an exchange of words can be the making of a friendship? Only in blogdom (yes it’s a word) or internet dating, maybe.

    Oh I can see land in that image of the Isle of Wight! 🙂

  4. The beautician definately takes her job seriously! How lovely to meet your blog friend in real life – looks like you all had a great time.

    So was dinner a maybe meat maybe not meal? 😂

      1. Totally irrelevant to this post, but i thought I’d let you know- there are some interesting new comments on our discussion of the old testament over on the post ‘harvest time’ 😊

  5. WOW! What a delightful post with 2 delightful gentlemen. I love that you met in the blogosphere and consummated the relationship in person at last. Beautiful. Sometimes the blogosphere blows my mind.

  6. So nice that you could meet one of your blogging friends, Derrick. I’ve met only two of mine (so far) over the years, the last one being earlier this year. I really enjoyed myself just as you obviously did here.

  7. Well finally I reach my computer and see your lovely post. We all had a perfectly splendid time. And seeing the garden was quite the most extraordinary experience. It’s one thing to see your glorious pictures, quite another to see it live and in full technicolor. I don’t think I have ever seen anywhere so packed with colour and content. Wondrous. Do thank Jackie from us all.

    1. I’m curious to know (given the nature of authoring and the blogosphere) if Geoff le Pard is your real name, or if you’re riffing on the band Def Leppard?.

  8. Ah, great fun. How lovely that Geoff and fam made it down to your lovely garden. I’ve yet to meet any blogging friends in the flesh, as it were, but here’s hoping!

  9. This was a treasured post for me to see, Derrick. Lovely company, like minds and friendly personalities gathered together in a beautiful garden!! Bloggers should pursue such moments more often.
    I know that Jackie would have enjoyed the conversation full of compliments for food and gardens.
    The sea and isle of Wight were serene, despite the abandoned boat and struggling para sail. Aw, relaxing scenery. 🙂

  10. The picture when you guys are sitting on the bench, not knowing that someone took a picture k-that’s my favorite. I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Thanks for the smile

  11. It’s so nice to meet up and you all looked as though you were having a really nice time! We bloggers should meet up when we can. As you say, you can pretty much tell whether you’ll like a person by what they write about. So nice to have people touring the garden in person (though I’m mighty grateful to visit virtually).

  12. How wonderful! Your words, and your photos, reveal the joy in this happy occasion. So very happy for you all.

  13. Wonderful, just wonderful!

    “You get a sense of who a person is by what they write on their blog posts. We knew we would get on well.” Happy for you both and the rest of the pack. 🙂

  14. How fun to have coffee with a fellow blogger and find one living so nearby. Did you know each other previously? You certainly do have lovely photos.

    1. We didn’t know each other before blogging. Geoff grew up a mile from where we now live in the New Forest, and I grew up in London where he now lives. I posted pictures of a walk up the lane from our house to Hordle Parish Church and back. Geoff commented that he and his wife were married in that church! He was back for a family wedding.

        1. It is. Another blogging connection is a cousin I haven’t seen for a good 60 years, now living in Spain, who picked me up from a post I wrote about my uncle, her Dad.

  15. Well, for crying out loud. You two look like you were made for each other! What a happy post.

    When I first read the book I mentioned, I left this review:

    Gulped down at one sitting

    There was no time for chewing each tasty mouthful, this was a book l hurtled through. It is full of love and honesty. I wish I was Barbara and had such a tribute written for me.

    I am enjoying it all over again. I am glad I asked you about Hordle. 🙂

    1. Yes, indeed. I expect you know that John (aka Paol Soren) visited too, and found himself in Hardy Country that he had remembered from boyhood reading.

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