Richard III

I have two histories of the life, times, and death of the mediaeval king of England who reigned for just twenty six months from 1485. I chose

this study from Eyre Methuen Ltd, published for their series English Monarchs in 1981.

Prompted by my post

I decided to read

in order to present my readers with background to England’s greatest murder mystery which would now be called a cold case.

Because of the paucity of reliable contemporary detail of this period of history, there is not much knowledge about the man considered by Ross to be ‘no more than a junior cadet of a great aristocratic family.” In his introduction the author tells us that “The second half of the fifteenth century in England is a period of disquieting hiatus between the traditions of historical writing of earlier centuries and the still developing forms of Renaissance history.”

Charles Ross makes it clear that Richard has both his supporters and his detractors, echoing the influence of William Shakespeare and Sir Thomas More in the opinions that have come through more that six centuries.

Ross’s first chapter chronicles the conflicts, fluctuating loyalties, treacherous and murderous behaviour dominating the norms of Richard III’s childhood and adolescence.

Edward IV was Richard’s eldest brother, “who offered him a prime example of the ruthless and unlawful elimination of political opponents….” ; Elizabeth Woodville was Edward’s second wife.

“Richard had been born into an age of extreme political ruthlessness. He was a man of his times…” which contributed to the general belief that he had murdered the princes in the tower.

First, as Protector appointed by Edward IV, he had captured the twelve year old rightful Edward V and placed him in the Tower of London

with two other of his nephews about whose subsequent deaths speculation has raged for centuries.

“In the final analysis Richard III remains the most likely candidate by far to have murdered his own nephews. It is scarcely possible to doubt, by violence during the summer of 1483. He had by far the strongest motive, as well as the most obvious opportunity. Nothing we know of his character in general and the conditions of his upbringing in particular, makes his having committed such an act at all unlikely.”

After the suppression of the rebellion of 1483 Richard lost the support of the Southern shires and strengthened that of the North, many by means of his lucrative patronage.

As king he seems believed to have been genuinely pious and loyal to friends.

He was interested in luxury, display, and architecture. There was no evidence of “crook back” although he was small and short, one side being higher than the other. He was strong and adept in warfare.

“Richard’s apparently genuine concern with law and justice had its clearly defined limits [when it suited him]. It was never allowed to override the demands of practical politics.” Yet he “proved himself an energetic and efficient king.’

Although he only had two surviving illegitimate children from his bachelor days before marriage to Queen Anne, they only produced

one boy who died at the age of ten.

Some believed it possible that the king murdered his wife, Anne, in order to marry his niece Elizabeth.


“Richard’s seizure of the throne brought to power a king with a title which was dubious at best [creating] …danger.. that any one of England’s principle foreign neighbours [i.e. Scotland and France] might wish to lend aid to a pretender”

And so it was. “Frenchmen, Bretons, Scots [with Henry Tudor]…set sail from Harfleur on 31st July or 1st August 1485” and the matter was

settled at Bosworth on 22nd August.

For me the mystery remains a cold case, while, although there is one other possible contender for the mnemonic helping schoolchildren remember the colours of the rainbow, I like to think of the alleged wicked uncle’s story being definitive: Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain.

This evening we dined on Bird’s Eye oven and chips, peas, sweetcorn, and baked beans; Mrs Elswood’s pickled gherkins and Garner’s pickled onions, with which I finished the Rioja.

The Greenhouse Path

Every year we are invaded by small white onion flowers which bear clusters of up to 24 tiny bulbs which are very difficult to eradicate.

Jackie has set about these menaces with a vengeance.

Every brick or slab beneath which they have hidden themselves she has lifted in order to remove each tiny offspring.

Having completed the work on the brick circle around the urn on the site of the old well, she turned her attention to the Greenhouse Path which she finished today.

In addition to photographing her work in progress she also focussed on a few flowers.

Our various camellias are still going strong;

She has dead-headed the daffodils that are past their best, but there are many varieties with different time-scales.

Some violas have been included in pots with other planting; a few stand alone.

Blue wood anemones; a white Leucojum ‘Spring Snowflakes’ with green tips; mauve hellebores; and an ornamental owl surrounded by new clematis shoots, complete her gallery.

Elizabeth dropped in this afternoon for a cup of tea and convivial chat.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s classic cottage pie; carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, runner beans, and gravy, with which I drank more of the Rioja.

Bare Patches

My sitting room chair looks out onto the front garden where the

Amanogawa cherry is now blooming, while

the winter flowering cherry lingers on.

After shopping for compost and comestibles at Ferndene Farm Shop we continued on a forest drive.

The streaky pink and indigo pastel tinged clouds enhanced the moorland landscapes alongside Holmsley Passage

where several ponies enjoyed a morning rest.

Others, along Bisterne Close, one of which stretched to reach holly leaves, bore bare patches on their thick winter coats.

Prolific camellias along the route still carry a profusion of blooms,

while tree fungi like this decorating a small log remain comparatively rare this year.

This afternoon I read more of ‘Richard III’.

Our dinner this evening consisted of Jackie’s cottage pie; parsnips, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, with which I drank Hacienda Don Hernán Rioja 2022.

Culling And Richard III

On this cold, overcast, day we drove to Stewart’s Garden centre outside Christchurch where we lunched with Helen, Bill, Shelly, and Ron. Afterwards I occupied myself with photo-culling.

I have removed both pictures from my iPhotos appearing in

and the two from

and two from

Later, I continued reading ‘Richard III’.

This evening we dined on scrambled egg on toast.

Here Comes Spring

This morning I deleted from my iPhotos all the images from

and from

The garden today is Springlike.

Having taken in the general scene from our upstairs windows, I wandered around delighting in some individual blooms. Each of these images bears a title in the gallery.

This afternoon I watched the Women’s Six Nations rugby match between England and Italy.

Our dinner this evening consisted of roast duck and chicken pieces; boiled new potatoes; firm carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, with which I finished the Kimbao wine.

The Digital Era

There was no culling of the two pictures in iPhotos from

as I began moving into the digital era;

I made up for this by deleting both from

After lunch I began reading the full text of ‘Richard III’ by Charles Ross between watching the Women’s Six Nations Rugby matches involving Ireland v. France and Scotland v. Wales.

This evening we joined Jacqueline, Elizabeth, Joe , and Angela, for dinner at The Smugglers Inn in Milford on Sea. It is too late and I am too tired to post more than my own excellent meal which consisted of whitebait, followed by Cajun chicken, chips, coleslaw and salad, and finally treacle tart and ice cream, with which I drank a good Merlot.


My iPhotos collection of photographs received no adjustment when today I retained the one photograph from

but I have deleted the single one from

and the two from

A few years ago Jackie planted some lilies in the Pond Bed. None came to fruition. Apparently small rodents feast on the bulbs.

Today she disinterred the remains of the culprit, and offered me my blog post title.

This afternoon I read Charles Ross’s lengthy introduction to his history ‘Richard III’, which is essentially an examination of the differing opinions on the nature of the king featured in

I will say more about this balanced introduction when I have read and review the history which may be relevant to my previous post.

This evening we dined on roast duck with crispy skin; baby boiled potatoes, cauliflower, its chopped leaves, broccoli, and carrots, with tasty gravy. I drank more of the Kimbao.

More Buried Rocks

Once again I needed to stay indoors waiting for an emergency heating engineer, so I concentrated on continuing culling.

I saved just the obvious picture in my iPhoto collection from

and similarly from

On the other hand, I retained all from

Meanwhile Jackie literally hit another problem with more buried rocks when attempting planting in the Pond Bed. Having given up prising them out

she redistributed surrounding soil,

and settled in smaller flowers than originally planned. These are all her pictures.

Later, Steve, from Norman’s Heating visited and fixed another boiler leak.

Having grappled with the first three chapters of ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ by Gabriel García Márquez I have realised that it is quite beyond me to review it. I first read the book almost 30 years ago, and enjoyed it at the level of a rather mysterious story of many generations of a family starting with the beginning of the world, and now learn that it is regarded as a classic of magic realism which I don’t understand. I don’t normally read other reviews before writing my own, but I have just done so to aid my focus. Why set myself such a difficult task when I have so much more to read? I’m putting it back in my library.

This evening we dined on more baked gammon and mustard sauce; boiled new potatoes; carrots; cauliflower, its leaves chopped with leeks; and broccoli, with which I drank Kimbao Cabernet Sauvignon Carménére 2022 produced by Constanza Schwarderer – if you gave me this for Christmas please take a bow.

Refurbished Lantern

This warmer, overcast, morning we transported another full car load to Efford Recycling Centre and returned with

a dusty plastic framed mirror; two glazed plant pots with holes in their bottoms; and a wooden framed glass lantern in need of some refurbishment.

Afterwards I made a slight inroad into my iPhotos stock of pictures by culling all the pictures in

Once night fell, Jackie photographed her refurbished lantern.

She had cleaned it up, re-fixed a cracked glass panel, inserted a set of solar lights by way of a door she had opened, freed and firmed up the catch.

This evening we dined on tasty baked gammon with piquant mustard sauce; boiled potatoes; firm cauliflower and cauliflower cheese; moist spinach; and crunchy carrots with which I finished the Malbec

Yellow Lane

Today was still cold yet brightly sunny.

On my recent poles practice perambulation I passed

a pretty primrose bank outside No. 19 Downton Lane, and repeated the trip with camera this morning. This was the first time I had managed the camera round my neck while clutching poles, and consequently requires somewhat awkward manoeuvring.

On my return I also photographed lesser celandines and daffodils,

including our own in the raised bed at the lane entrance to our Back Drive built by Martin to deter drivers from flattening the flowers we attempted to grow there before.

Continuing my attempt to reduce the number of pictures in my iPhotos while continuing to publish new ones, I retained only one image from

I have retained none of the iPhotos pictures from

I spent the afternoon on

This evening we dined on thick crust pepperoni pizza with fresh salad with which I drank Reserva Privada Chilean Malbec 2023