Just before lunch the dry weather and intermittent sunshine tempted me into the garden for a very brief garnering of material for a post I had imagined a day or two ago. After a good rest I began it.
What I had noticed was that the West Bed contained many self-seeded hellebores which were too well arranged to have arrived there by accident.
One occupied the end of the Phantom Bed opposite.
Although there are many such plants in the garden this, double headed, is one of only two introduced by Jackie.
Like this cyclamen in the front garden gravel the main crop of hellebores is self seeded. It will eventually find itself transported to a more appropriate location, which is what The Head Gardener and Martin between them have done with many of the hellebores and other such volunteers, usually when so small that I wouldn’t have recognised them for what they are.
Once more I lacked sufficient concentration to continue with my book.
This evening we enjoyed a reprise of last night’s chicken piri-piri meal supplemented by fresh cauliflower and broccoli, with which I drank more of the shiraz.