Over recent weeks we have all tinkered a little with weeding the Back Drive and its borders. Flo put in a good shift early this morning and
Martin spent much of the day on revealing the brick edging as he thinned out plants both welcome and intrusive.
I read another good chunk of Doctor Zhivago.
This evening our dining party at Britannia Thai In Milford on Sea included Becky, whose birthday it is, Ian, Flo, Dillon, Ellie, Jackie and me.
We shared mixed starters,
some of which Ellie sampled with relish;

Jackie’s Panang curry and noodles is an example of the delicious main courses;
and three of us (excluding me) had room for the wonderfully light and aromatic stem ginger pudding with ice cream. Singha beer, Diet Coke, and J2O were the chosen beverages. Service was as friendly and efficient as always.