Beachern Wood

If we overlook the fact that, because she was feeling so much better, Jackie probably did do too much today we would think we really were back to normal. First we shopped at Tesco and this time it was Mrs Knight who did the shopping while I sat in the car with my book, loaded the goods into the car and unloaded them into the the kitchen when we returned home.

This afternoon my Chauffeuse took us for a drive to Beachern Wood and back. She sat in the car with her puzzle book and I wandered about.

A badly broken beach tree and a more resilient oak framed walkers and Shetland ponies on the approach road.

Other ponies wandered, grazed, and scratched in the woodland. A Shetland thought better of trying to garrotte itself between a pair of tree trunks.

This stretch of Ober Water rippled gently and reflected the trees around.

This evening we reprised yesterday’s meal and beverages.