Today being decidedly dank and dismal I delved into my colour negative archives and found some more from July 1992.
This first image is of Little Venice canal basin, probably taken from the section of Harrow Road above. The large barge, named Bloom, in the centre of the picture is an art gallery featuring the work of Alex Prowse. Beauchamp Lodge, where I rented counselling space, is out of shot at bottom left. I ran many a mile from there, under the blue bridge, and west along the towpath. The houseboat to the right of the bridge then belonged to Richard Branson.
The rest of these photographs were from the London leg of my 50th birthday celebrations.
Here is Louisa occupying her favourite perch on Matthew’s back, flanked by Sam and a family friend.
In the garden we have Paul M. and Carole S;
Michael, Wolf,
and Brian;
Becky and Steve.
had produced an excellent buffet and was able to help herself to some of it.
Whatever Becky’s joke was,
her sister-in-law twigged it eventually.
Late this afternoon, the remortgage loan came through. We drove into a murky forest and took no photographs.
Yesterday’s illustration of a lamb cobbler was taken from the internet.
Since Jackie had made two, and we enjoyed the second one this evening, it seemed only fair that this image should feature today. The dish was served with crunchy carrots, soft spinach, and firm runner beans, to all of which juicy gravy was added. I finished the Ribera del Duero and Jackie drank Hoegaarden..