The day began in fairly bright sunshine and gradually deteriorated in afternoon rain which didn’t bother me because I was watching the BBC transmission of the Six Nations rugby match between Scotland and Ireland.
Before then Jackie and I took a forest drive.
Suggesting that they may have heard the weather forecast, most ponies appeared to be staying safely hidden until we arrived at
Charles’s Lane and its accompanying woodland, where, accompanied by sweet birdsong sometimes competing with the clanking roar of cars crossing a cattle grid; the graunching of gear changes when suddenly encountering animals on the road; the whirring of bicycle wheels; the thudding of hooves on the turf or their clanking on the tarmac, a small group foraged until, as we left the vicinity, they decided to meander off ahead of us.
When Jackie parked the Modus against the entrance to a farm field so that I could photograph
daffodils on the verge of Beckley Common Road

the air was rent by a frantic baaing as a flock of sheep dashed from the far side of their pasture towards the restraining wire, no doubt in the disappointed expectation of feeding time.
After the match, I recovered the pictures and provided headers for the following posts featuring our arrival at Old Post House in April 2014:
It has been long on my mind to add a category entitled Garden. This will involve renaming some Uncategorised posts, this being the first.
The garden is mentioned in this one, yet it is far more about the practicalities of the move, so its category remains unchanged.
Although the header picture is from the garden, the main thrust of the post is the same as the one above, so there is no change of category.
This evening we all dined on oven fish and chips, onion rings, garden peas, pickled onions and gherkins, with which Jackie and I both drank Poggio Civitelle Orvieto 2021.