This morning, Becky took a turn at enjoying Ellie.
Afterwards she drove the young family to a check up appointment at which all was pronounce well.
Meanwhile Jackie and I took a forest drive, mostly focussed on Ober Water,

beside which a fallen tree made its contribution to the ecology,

and a Dalmatian called Pringle set up an alarm call at my presence which did not phase its friendly owners reflected in the stream.

At the Puttles Bridge section of the river a gentleman sat photographing a model car.
On leaving Sway we fell in behind

an antique horse drawn cart which turned right at a junction ahead of us.
This evening we dined on succulent roast chicken; crisp Yorkshire pudding; sage and onion stuffing; firm cauliflower; mixed vegetables in a creamy cheese sauce; tender green beans; and flavoursome gravy. Jackie drank Hoegaarden; Flo and Dillon, fruit cordial; while I finished the Shiraz.