Following the recent death of Ken Crutchlow, charismatic founder of The Ocean Rowing Society, Sam asked me to send him this photograph that first featured on 29th August last year. Alongside Jessica and Louisa, Ken stands between Sam, who has just disembarked after 59 days at sea, and me.
This took me back to the task of scanning the colour slides made in March 2004.
Wandering around outside Port St Charles, I speculated about why this Police station sign displayed a mirror image. I swear it has not been reproduced the wrong way round.
These are views of the luxurious development, that is the holiday resort where the race was completed, that can be seen by those poorer folk outside.
Frangipani is one of the colourful shrubs that surround the walls.
Overlooked by luxury apartments, the rowing boats lie among others in the docking area.
Pavel Rezvoy, who came second in the solo race, in the black T-shirt, stands beside Tatiana, the blue-clad wife of Ken. Sam’s boat, Pacific Pete, is on the right. Workers on the roofs in the distance demonstrate that building continues.
Here, Sam is interviewed by Dixie Dean for the official film of the race.
I cannot identify these waders on the shore.
This evening we dined on Mr Pink’s fish and chips, with cornichons and pickled onions from jars, followed by profiteroles. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I didn’t.