
My iPhotos collection of photographs received no adjustment when today I retained the one photograph from

but I have deleted the single one from

and the two from

A few years ago Jackie planted some lilies in the Pond Bed. None came to fruition. Apparently small rodents feast on the bulbs.

Today she disinterred the remains of the culprit, and offered me my blog post title.

This afternoon I read Charles Ross’s lengthy introduction to his history ‘Richard III’, which is essentially an examination of the differing opinions on the nature of the king featured in

I will say more about this balanced introduction when I have read and review the history which may be relevant to my previous post.

This evening we dined on roast duck with crispy skin; baby boiled potatoes, cauliflower, its chopped leaves, broccoli, and carrots, with tasty gravy. I drank more of the Kimbao.