Sam, Holly, Malachi, and Orlaith visited again this afternoon.
Observed by Holly, and assisted by Sam, Orlaith enjoyed a game of Scrabble with me.
Although we were playing with a proper board and tiles, when my granddaughter tired, she decided she wanted to pause the game. If that isn’t twenty first century speak, I don’t know what is.
Jackie and Malachi played word games on Jackie’s laptop.
After this Mal was invited to make a selection from my library. He chose a Folio Society Sherlock Holmes collection.
We then dined at The Royal Oak. Jackie and I each enjoyed gammon steak with two fried eggs, plentiful chips and salad. The others different choices were equally good. Holly and I both drank Malbec, Sam’s beverage was Guinness, Jackie’s Diet Coke, with lemonade for each of the children.