Word Games

Sam, Holly, Malachi, and Orlaith visited again this afternoon.

Observed by Holly, and assisted by Sam, Orlaith enjoyed a game of Scrabble with me.

Although we were playing with a proper board and tiles, when my granddaughter tired, she decided she wanted to pause the game. If that isn’t twenty first century speak, I don’t know what is.

Jackie and Malachi played word games on Jackie’s laptop.

After this Mal was invited to make a selection from my library. He chose a Folio Society Sherlock Holmes collection.

We then dined at The Royal Oak. Jackie and I each enjoyed gammon steak with two fried eggs, plentiful chips and salad. The others different choices were equally good. Holly and I both drank Malbec, Sam’s beverage was Guinness, Jackie’s Diet Coke, with lemonade for each of the children.


  1. It looks like such a warm, family day. I like how you and Jackie played games with the children, and I enjoyed Mal’s expressions and the way he sprawled across the furniture. It’s wonderful to see him so engrossed in one of your Folio Society books!

    1. I’m so pleased you notice Mal’s sprawl – imagine twitching feet and you get the whole picture. He has two boxed sets to take home with him. Thanks very much, Merril

  2. These are two fine looking children – their parents are doing such a great job! Love to see them so engrossed in the word games too. ‘Pause’ has a new meaning now for sure πŸ™‚

  3. Made me smile with the photos
    And quit when tired –
    But of course –
    And like that book reading in the chair shit- go Sherlock

          1. actually it can be left – but I think only you can edit all comments – do it from the dashboard
            but it is probably not a big deal –
            and I am glad you got what i was saying
            peace to you D

  4. Scrabble is such fun. I still enjoy playing it, although I prefer the analog version with wooden tiles and a board. I laughed at the thought of “pausing” the action. Even I know what that means, although I probably never would use the phrase.

  5. God gave us loving grandchildren as a reward for all our random acts of kindness.

    Child of my child,
    Heart of my heart,
    Your smile bridges the years between us–
    I am young again discovering the world
    through your eyes.
    You have the time to listen
    And I have the time to spend.
    Delighted to gaze at familiar,
    loved features, made new in you again.
    Through you, I’ll see the future
    Through me, you’ll know the past
    In the present we’ll love one another
    As long as these moments last….


  6. The little girl looks a real professional, wearing one of those visors that they wear in old b/w films where they play poker. And Mal won’t go far wrong with Sherlock Holmes. It’s excellent reading for a youngster.

  7. I chuckled seeing Orlaith wearing the eye mask, that i believe might have been from the airline journey over from Perth as i have one identical to it from Cathay Pacific. πŸ˜€

    Lovely seeing three generations of the one family enjoying quality times together – a rare event in these times. Soak it all in!

    All you needed was an open ‘A’ and you could have made ‘vanloads’ at the start of that game! πŸ˜‰

  8. YAY for family fun, word games, learning, growing, laughing and making warm memories! πŸ™‚
    “pause” the Scrabble game! I love that! πŸ˜€
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚

  9. This is a lovely collection of family photos and warm cozy moments! You, Jackie and the rest of family are building memories reminiscent of our own childhoods. I posted painting and art with my grandies this year’s winter, and last year’s I posted Scrabble with my son and his daughters. . . Great families spend quality time! πŸ’– 🌟

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