Too Patient A Patient

I am a patient man – often too patient for my own good.

It is now more than a month since my second cystoscopy and biopsy at Southampton General Hospital. The biopsy was meant to reveal what had been left of the tumour first removed in June, after which I would know whether or not the planned BCG vaccination treatment would still be the best next procedure. I had been told that the analysis would be considered in two weeks.

Yesterday I telephoned the urology department to ask about the result. I was told by the man taking the calls on the number I had been given that I had not had the procedure on 21st, because I was “not on the system”. It was with growing irritation that I spent almost 15 minutes saying that I didn’t know about his system, but I did know I had had the procedure. Eventually I demanded to speak to a urologist. They were all in clinic, but he did agree to get one to call me. I am still waiting for that call. Yes, a classic case of “Computer says no.”

I then telephoned my GP surgery, leaving a message for my doctor there. As always he rang me within ten minutes. He had received the urology consultant’s report (I had not). This revealed that there was nothing left of the tumour. Although diminishing, I have been experiencing discomfort. A urine sample has shown that I do not have a UTI, but there is blood in the urine. He therefore sent me for an urgent blood test at Lymington Hospital, which was carried out this morning.

In the meantime I called the Southampton Urology department this morning. The given number rang for ages before a breathless woman answered. She was the very capable clinician who had removed my catheter in Lymington. There was no-one to manage the phone today so the others all had to leave what they were doing in turn.

Happily, we both remembered each other and Sharon found everything on the system and confirmed what my GP had said. I still need to speak to the surgeon who carried out the procedure, make my frustrations clear, and more importantly ask what I can expect from now on. Can I trust it?

I ask you.

This afternoon I read a lot more of Ted Walker’s ‘The High Path’.

We celebrated this evening with a meal at Rokali’s where food and service was as good as ever. My choice was lamb vindaloo; Jackie’s, sizzling chicken tikka; we shared mushroom rice and cauliflower bhaji; Jackie drank Diet Coke and I drank Kingfisher.